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‘Be CALM’ (Caritas Action Leading to Mental Health) an initiative of Caritas India to address psychosocial issues and well being was inaugurated during the foundation day of Caritas India by Mr. Aloysious John, Secretary-General of Caritas Internationalis. The psychosocial services will be provided by the trained volunteer counsellors through a helpline-8448441082 across the country.
In mental health awareness week, Caritas India Chairman, Archbishop Sebastian Kallupura unveiled the Mental Health Bulletin Board of the Psychosocial Desk.
While physical ailments are often visible and hence appropriated with required medical interventions, mental health issues – simplistically defined as the “physical illness of the human brain,” are often without apparent physical symptoms. To add to that, the stigma attached to mental health issues often prevents a majority of people from sharing or expressing their issues or seeking help.
Mental health issues can often lead to a reduction in productivity and an increase in the overall probability of diseases. However, what makes mental health much more complicated is that while a physical disease affects different people in similar ways – often showing common symptoms, it is not so with mental illnesses. So, while two persons suffering from a viral fever may have similar symptoms like sore throat, high temperature, etc., two persons suffering from depression may show entirely differing indicators.
WHO defines mental health as a state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It, therefore, impacts how one thinks, feels, and acts. However, since mental health is comprehensive in scope and its symptoms often subjective, mental health-related issues are often difficult to detect. They advise that mental health issues can only be addressed through critical interventions like – raising awareness and making available and mobilizing support for those seeking help. Mental health promotion was included in the SDGs to highlight its growing importance.
Caritas India during the Mental Health Awareness Week 4th-10th October 2020, took the pledge that mental health must be promoted in general, encouraging healthy living, a healthy lifestyle, and a more open environment for all of us!
Make Mental Health a PRIORITY!
Mental Wellness Bulletin Board
On the 2nd Day, In the presence of His Grace Archbishop Sebastian Kallupura, Chairman of Caritas India Be CALM – the psychosocial desk unveiled the Mental Health Bulletin Board at CIHO on 05th Oct 2020. This visible space has been created at the office in order to acknowledge and recognize the efforts that the new desk would take to mainstream the dialogue of mental health at the workplace is ensured. On the occasion, the Chairman briefly shared a human interest story that he overcame during the pandemic of a boy who lost his job during the lockdown period in Mumbai and how he was mentally stressed which was addressed by one of the partnering organizations in Bihar after he returned back to his native. He stressed that the desk of Be CALM has been initiated at a very important time in Caritas India as a new intervention in the New Normal which can be of assistance to thousands of such human-interest stories in the days to come. The wellness board would be a place for all employees to share and talk about Mental Health during the days at work.
Art of Self Reflection
On the 3rd Day of Mental health Awareness Week, the desk took things forward by appealing to all staff by spending a day reflecting on oneself. self-reflection is an act or a process where you disconnect from the world and introspect your actions, thoughts, priorities, and aspirations to become a better human being.
Using an online tool of personality assessment to help oneself to know the SELF in more precise manner, BE CALM team shared the link and the feedback form to all Caritas India employees so that they can give a great deal of insight about the core components that make up who we are. Personality is how we interact with the world and those around us. It determines whether we bounce back after a tragic event or relationship problem, or we get mired down by the feelings. Your personality helps determine whether you’ll get along with your co-workers and boss, or whether every conversation turns into an argument.
Knowing more about our personality — and our self — can help us lead a life with less friction and more happiness. The staff took the test based on their convenient time and have shared essential feedback that would help employee wellness in a more enhanced way.
Mandala Art Therapy
On the 04th Day, a simple act of colouring a picture can be quite beneficial in relieving stress and anxiety. One popular way to do this is to color mandalas and use it as a form of meditation. Art therapy is not about the end result but the process of achieving it. This spiritual circle will help promote mindfulness, focus attention, and promote healing. The repetitive process of coloring the geometric shapes within a mandala can be beneficial to people of all ages. Try to avoid the notion that coloring is just for kids. Instead, use it as a constructive way to find some quiet time to soothe your thoughts from any stress and anxiety you may be feeling. The relief you find may just surprise you. This therapy was used to involve the staff in the process of understanding the need of giving oneself a time of reflection.
The therapy gave time for the participants to take them back to a time wherein colors were a language to express what you FEEL.
Community Wellness Through MUSIC OUTREACH
On the 05th Day of the Mental Health Awareness week, BE CALM reached out to a community to promote the space of having a dialogue on mental health openly by spreading the message through music. Pranav Nair a freelance psychologist and music artist, as a volunteer partnered with Caritas India for an activity of music outreach of creating mental health awareness and sensitizing the participants about the toll-free number of BE CALM which anyone could call who needs the support of psychosocial intervention. It was the first act of community outreach during the pandemic organized by the desk in a community centre in Delhi where one of the partners of Caritas India, Chetanalaya has been working in the field of community development.
On the 06th Day, Mental Health is often relative to the art of listening to music. Music can be entertaining, and research suggests that it might even make you healthier. Music has been a source of pleasure and contentment, but there are several other psychological benefits as well. Music can relax the mind, energize the body, and even help people better manage pain. The notion that music can influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours does not come as much of a surprise. If you’ve ever felt pumped up while listening to your favourite fast-paced rock anthem or been moved to tears by a tender live performance, then you easily understand the power of music to impact moods and even inspire action. In order to realize the psychological benefits of listening to music like; Improving cognitive performance, Reducing stress, Helping consume less food, Improving your memory, Helping manage pain, Helping us sleep better, motivation, Improves mood, Reduces symptoms of depression, Improving endurance and performance – BE CALM organized a music mantra show by inviting a volunteer musician and renowned artist AKBAR of SUFI AMIGOS fame to inspire and entertain the staff so that powerful psychological effects can synergize which would improve their health and well-being. Father Paul the executive Director and all CIHO staff were present at the evening gathering with requests of songs that reminded everyone their days of college, CIRO staff were present virtually who were interested in being part of the evening gathering.
Emotional Wellness Webinar
On the 07th Day of the Mental Health Week, a webinar was aimed at creating a platform to reflect on ”Emotional Wellness” in the new normal which is affecting most of us especially the young minds /children and to share insights from some experts who have been dealing with these concerns and helping those in need with the services contributing their mite to making a better environment for children, parents, teachers, and caregivers. Emotional Wellness is a process, a gradual one at that. It is sometimes a difficult journey towards complete Self Actualization. Father Jolly the Asst. Executive Director addressed the gathering and gave the message on the need for emotional wellness along with physical wellness for having a complete fit SELF. The webinar participants were addressed by Mimansa Singh Tanwar, Clinical Psychologist from Fortis Mental Health Care. She shared her key experience and addressed several questions raised by participants on stigma, awareness, children mental health in virtual reality, employee stress, criticism, etc. It was an enriching learning space virtually for the participants to reflect and discuss on the subject.
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