Transcending hereafter: Regional Assembly of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand Region

As Caritas India has traversed a long way and reaching the 60th year of its existence in 2022, we are at a threshold to reflect and contemplate on the years traversed together along with our diocesan partners and other stakeholders in the pursuit of integral development and nation-building. Moreover, the outbreak of the COVID pandemic and FCRA amendment disrupted the functioning of the development sector, through Caritas India in collaborative support with the church continued with the mission of servicing the marginalised and distressed through medical support and humanitarian service.

Hence, prior to celebrating the 60th year of her existence, it was the right time for Caritas India to organize the National Assembly of Directors of Social Apostolate as a platform for the member organizations to reflect, interact and exchange their learning and experiences.

Thus, with the objective to capture the regional aspirations and priorities of the Social Apostolate of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand and to reflect together on our continued partnership engagement in the post-Covid and post-FCRA Amendment environment, A regional assembly was organised on 16th Nov 2021 in Ranchi. The assembly commenced with Holy Eucharist presided over by His Grace Archbishop Felix Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi and His lordship Bishop Anand Jojo, Bishop and the Chairman of Jharkhand Forum. Fr. Bipin Pain, Regional Forum Director of Jharkhand welcomed all Diocesan directors of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand region.

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas set the tone of the day through his keynote address saying we are going through a number of crises and challenges these days which he put forth as 3Cs i.e. COVID, Conflict & Climate. He urged everyone to reflect together and find answers to move on amidst these crises through transforming 3Cs into 3YESs i.e. Solidarity, Social friendship and Social justice. He also spoke in the context of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand emphasizing the reality of migration which can not be put to an end but we together as a church can put a safe trend to our migrant brothers and sisters. His keynote address ended with an invitation to all directors to reflect and give suggestions for celebrating the meaningful Diamond Jubilee of Caritas India in 2022.

In his presidential address, his Grace Archbishop Felix Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi appreciated the work of Caritas India and said how COVID 19 disrupted the life of the people especially tribal communities in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand forcing them to lose their jobs and creating fear of food insecurity. He stressed the need for Caritas India to get prepared for Post Pandemic consequences and focus on mitigating the ill effect of the pandemic through working on creating rural livelihood opportunities, promotion of progressive farming linked with markets, access to better health systems and development and wellbeing of youths etc.  He concluded with an appreciation for organising regional assembly as a platform for the leaders of the church social ministry which will help all (Caritas India, DSSS directors & Forum) to reflect, discuss and build perspective together for future role and pathway to continue working for the development of our marginalised communities in this crisis.

Moreover, Bishop Anand Jojo, Bishop of Hazaribagh and the Chairman of Jharkhand Forum also addressed the gathering. He stressed the need for all to be courageous, keep looking for chances and collaborate. These 3Cs will help Caritas India, DSSS partners and Forum to transform every challenge into a joyful experience and move ahead positively towards the mission of Jesus Christ of servicing the poor and distressed.

Mr. Glen Galstaun, a member of the Legislative Assembly was also present for the regional assembly who admitted the work of the church in India and especially in Chhattisgarh & Jharkhand during his message. He emphasized the need for the church to be more vocal and tell people what we are doing. He encouraged everyone to initiate dialogue with duty bearers and the Government without any hesitation because we are good for humanity.

Thereafter, the program was followed by the inauguration of the Gram Nirman program by His Grace Archbishop Felix Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi through the launching of the program brochure and T-shirt. The Gram Nirman program an Asset Based Community Development approach towards the community is initiated by Caritas India in 165 villages of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and Caritas Australia focusing on a holistic and inclusive approach to cater multi-sectoral issues related to local governance system, participative decision-making process, access to rights and entitlements, livelihoods security, strengthening of community-based organizations and emphasis is laid on women and vulnerable households, especially widows, landless, old age, children, People living with Disabilities (PLWDs) and people infected & affected by HIV and AIDS.

The post-lunch session was marked with sharing the background of the upcoming diamond jubilee of Caritas India and introducing the key questions for brainstorming by Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director, Caritas India. His presentation highlighted ‘Perspectives & new Paradigms for Promoting the Social Service Ministry in the Dioceses & Regions’. He accentuated the point that “the Proclamation of the Gospel, Evangelization of the World & Socially Transformative Actions go hand-in-hand and that the DSSS in the dioceses needs to be an animating body getting the faithful involved in the works of the church and that there”.

The regional Assembly came to an end with a group discussion on exploring different ways of making the social apostolate of the church more impactful, promoting social movements and networks, make the region and diocese sustainable. At the end of the day, a vote of thank was extended to Forum Directors and DSSS directors for their active participation and engagement to take the ministry of the church ahead with the goal to love and serve the poor and marginalized.