Kerala Regional Assembly deliberated on taking the social ministry forward

Diocesan Directors from the Social Apostolate of Kerala gathered at the Kerala Social Service Forum (KSSF) Kottayam on January 6, 2022, to deliberate, reflect and share the regional aspirations and priorities. The Kerala Regional Assembly was organized by Caritas India to garner continued partnership engagement of the social apostolate in the post-Covid and post-FCRA Amendment environment.

The fourth in a series, Caritas India is culminating the regional aspirations of its social apostolate from across the country to plan the future course of engagement and partnership in wake of challenging social development scenarios.

The assembly commenced with Holy Eucharist presided over by His Grace Archbishop Sebastian Kallupura, Chairman, Caritas India and Bishop Jose Pulikal, Chairman, Kerala Social Service Forum, Sr. Jessina, Board Member Caritas India. Fr. Jacob Mavunkal Forum Director of Kerala welcomed all Diocesan directors of the Kerala region.

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India shared the common challenges posed in form of 3Cs namely COVID, Conflict & Climate. He urged everyone to reflect together and find answers to move amidst these crises by transforming 3Cs into 3Ss i.e. Solidarity, Social friendship and Social justice. He also spoke on the Kerala context, emphasizing the reality of Cancer and the new way of doing things to sustain the Ashakiranam Cancer campaign along with the present need vs. services. He invited all directors to reflect and give suggestions for celebrating the meaningful Diamond Jubilee of Caritas India in 2022.

“We need to harness the social capital of the community in the form of social intellect and social mind that is the hub of knowledge and experience that the community and the poor have to offer,” said His Grace Archbishop Sebastian Kallupura, Chairman Caritas India in his presidential address to the participants. He emphasized that the Diocesan apostolate should play to translate this intellect for the betterment of the poor. Emphasizing the attitude, he said, “We should be like Jesus, he led by the spirit, spoke with authority and moved by the spirit and other Prophets in Bible Abraham talked and walked with God, Moses talked with God face to face, Elijah Journeyed with God and Ezhikiel and the integrity and solidarity.”

His Grace Archbishop Sebastian Kallupura released the volunteer resource mobilization handbook and handed over the first copy to Bishop Jose Pulickal during the time of the inauguration ceremony.

His Grace Bishop Jose Pulickal, Chairman of Kerala Social Service Forum shared the perspective of strengthening the role of the Church in the field of development in the region. He focused on compassion, “to suffer with those who are suffering” and empowering the community to stand up for their own like Jesus the empowered his disciples.

Taking the discussion to next level, Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Asst. Executive Director of Caritas India presented the ‘Perspectives & new Paradigms for Promoting the Social Service Ministry in the Dioceses & Regions.’ He accentuated that “the Proclamation of the Gospel, Evangelization of the World & Socially Transformative Actions go hand-in-hand and that the Diocesan Social Service Societies in the dioceses needs to be an animating body getting the faithful involved in the works of the church and that there.” Ms. Babita Pinto, Chief Program Lead, Caritas India presented the Survey findings of the region under the Program, partnership, Human Resource and Institutional Management indicators. The findings were validated with a group discussion on how the apostolate should take the intervention of social ministry forward.

The regional Assembly came concluded with a group discussion on exploring different ways of making the social apostolate of the church more impactful, promoting social movements and networks, making the region and diocese sustainable. The Directors shared their views and inputs to add value and make the discussion more meaningful. Fr. George Kshema Parasala suggested developing a document to release on the celebration of Caritas India’s 60th year capturing all the activities and services that have been done by Caritas India in Kerala state for the past 60 years. Areas of engagement in Value addition to the products for fast-moving and more profit, creation of sustainable models, collaboration with government departments were shared by Fr. Romance. Creating a region-wise federation with the participation of all diocesan partners to reach the isolated people during the time of crisis was suggested by Fr. Michel. Fr. Alex shared that many young children are moving abroad for higher studies and jobs because of the lack of opportunities to get the trainings to obtain the government jobs in Kerala, therefore, he requested to create a training centre to provide good quality training to the children those who are looking for government jobs. Creating a supply chain across the state to avoid mediators and ensuring farmers and fishermen get more profits for their products “Transportation services from source to demand places by the diocesan,” shared by Fr Alfred. Promoting young volunteers to engage in politics to become policymakers and decision-makers as the motto of doing better services to the deserving populations, said By Fr. George. Creating a good network with government departments and with the Archdiocesan level for sustainable programs shared by Sr. Rose.