U3 to converge, influence and inspire

The U3 project orientation cum capacity building programme was organized for seven implementing partners of West Bengal from 5 – 7, April 2022 to provide an in-depth conceptual and operational understanding of the components of climate-resilient agricultural practices, and cancer care campaign and finance management under the Uttoran Program. Directors and Coordinators of BMZ supported Child Rights also took part in the segment of the Cancer Care Campaign and finance management.

The three days sessions were facilitated by the Dr. Haridas V.R, Program Lead of Uttoran, Ujjwala and Ujjivana (U3), Ms. Jancy Mathew, Program Finance Lead of Caritas India and Mr. Bablu Sarkar, the Program Associate. Fr (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura joined virtually to give input on how well U3 can be implemented with the active involvement of the Community. He said, this project is for promoting climate-resilient farming and livelihood measures which can be promoted through capacity building, convergence with government departments, networking, linkages and creating innovative models. Fr. Jolly congratulated the good works done in phase one and two, he also reminded the team to focus more on the overall development of human beings and society at large and insisted to work with all the stakeholders at different levels for the benefit of the community. He also said ‘Accountability’ towards multi-stakeholders is to be taken more efficiently.

Uttoran Phase III aims to reach out to approximately 5093 households in 130 villages of 8 blocks in 9 districts through 7 partners in West Bengal (WB).

Most of these areas are located with diverse agro-climatic features and thus highly disaster-prone areas. There is a high percentage of Schedule Caste (SCs)/Schedule Tribe (STs)population along with minorities in both the regions. A concerted effort will be made for grassroots institutional building through Farmer’s group and women’s group (SHGs) and collective initiatives. Also, management of resources in the farm most optimally through proactive role by these groups and individuals.

The current program was initially started with the People-Led Development (PLD) approach and result-based management method. The programme focused a lot on entitlement, livelihood and local partners’ institutional capacity building. Though conscientization and animating people for community mobilization was our overall approach, in the previous phase we have made effort to understand PLD concept from Misereor. Hence, partners were oriented on this concept for internalizing. In the second phase of this programme, the community intend to strengthen their effort in ensuring adequate and nutritious food and hence to ensure this happens, the effort will be made for accessing their rights and entitlement and livelihood options through on-farm and off-farm through a strengthened community-based mechanism.
The three days orientation cum capacity building program covered a range of topics which included the terminologies and concepts of Climate Resilient Agricultural Practice, Cancer Care Campaign and understanding the mandatory and best practices of Finance management; Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP), Log Frame of Programme; Immediate, Intermediate and Impact level results; Empowering Animation, Dialogue, Volunteering and sharing community; Documentation process; models and practices. Understanding the U3 for C3 (Cancer Care Campaign), and understanding the mandatory and best practices of finance management
The training provided an overall conceptual clarity on results and the sessions specifically emphasized the process and strategies to be adopted for the implementation of the programme in each of the partners. Besides, as a sustainable solution and a promising prototype, the people led approaches to Climate Adaptive Agricultural Practices (CAAP) model were highlighted for improving food security at the household level.

During the three days orientation cum capacity building programs Directors, Coordinators and Finance persons participated in the program. There was a positive vibe among the participants and time and again it was highlighted by them that the ‘How’ part i.e. how to implement U3 has been made clear to them in this orientation. They seemed more confident and energized by the end of the orientation. So, one could expect momentum now and see the ideas getting transformed into actions on the field.