U3 partners getting the grip of People Led Development

The U3 cluster project supported by MISEREOR is in its third phase of implementation and the PMU will focus on influencing and inspiring in every aspect of its implementation. This program aims at fostering and securing self-sustaining climate resilient-cum-adaptive agriculture and livelihoods through community-owned processes in the state of West Bengal, Karnataka and Telangana in IndiaThe third phase will be implemented in 16 Districts 50 Panchayats, 1222 Villages by 15 Partners (7 in West Bengal, 4 in Karnataka, 4 in Telangana. Apart from 72 regular staff, 1500 Volunteer base would be engaged in outreaching of U3 Activities and get the ResultsThe project was initially started with a People-Led Development approach and result-based management method. Now The programme has focused on Rights and entitlement, Livelihood and local partners’ institutional capacity building. Though conscientization and animating people for community mobilization was the overall approach of the project.

To have a clear understanding of the Program Goal, Objective & Result, LFM is one of the key documents for defining the program achievement. A detailed Capacity building training on MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning) & Finance management was organized for Karnataka & Telangana partners of the U3 program in Montfort Social Institute, Hyderabad for 4 days from 19th April to 22nd April 2022. The session was facilitated by the Caritas India team- Mr. Dileesh, Lead MEAL, Dr. Haridas, Lead U3 & Ms. Jancy, Program Finance Lead.

The MEAL session emphasized on LFA, MEAL Framework, Baseline survey & reporting template. Through this session, the participants had a better understanding of the Indicator against the Goal, Outcome, Output & Activities of the programme. Participants were able to well-connect with the Definition of terms with good practices done in the field level. Participants were oriented on how the project activities led to expected results and measure the changes in different phases of the project.

Fr. (Dr) Jolly, AED of Caritas India highlighted the major focus approaches of U3 programme- Standard Operations Procedure, Accountabilities Framework at the Implementing Partner level, Partner Director’s program accountabilities, Human Resource Management, Program implementing partner’s performance assessment and Key accountabilities at CI level.

Dr. Haridas facilitated the session on Networking & Convergence concept- Connecting U3 with C3 (Cultivator, Consumer & Connectivity) and capturing a good model of U3- Indigenous Knowledge and Local resources and focuses on Facilitation, Coordination, Capacity building, Networking and Convergence. Convergence for promoting Eco-friendly practices and Innovative start-ups input was facilitated by Mr. Rahul, Head of Social Entrepreneurship, Bala Vikasa Society.

The session highlights the importance of setting up a Social Entrepreneur in our program area, Networking & Marketing which will lead to sustainability by the end of the programme period. Good practices of U3 phase I & phase II were shared by the partner participants which can be replicated by other partners through exchange learning.

The Finance Management session emphasised on U3 program finance documentation & reporting requirement along with Financial Best practices to meet the statutory requirement. Fr. Kiran Kanapala, Director of Andhra Pradesh Regional Forum highlighted how we can get united with the mother nature and give back to nature through Climate Resilient agriculture initiatives.

Caritas India through this program will focus on the Key Strategic Pillars (KSP) such as empowering animation, Dialogue, Volunteerism and sharing communities. It will be facilitated through an educative process of establishing a culture of consciousness through constant engagement with the community to critically analyse and take collective action for transformation. Strengthening the knowledge and capacity base of the communities on the ground is a core mandate of this program.