Reintegrating Voluntary Returnees into society

After staying in France for 16 years, Mr. Bhakshinder Singh decided to return to his home country due to a family emergency need.

He travelled to France as a tourist but later extended his stay and became irregular migrant. He spent his initial few months doing some errands for livelihood but later got a job in a restaurant. A major portion of his salary was sent to support his family. His objective of extending his stay in France was  solely to explore possibility of working in France so that he can support his family (children and wife) with better living standard.

His family in Punjab especially one of his sons who was born with a disability was facing a lot of challenges while growing up as teenager. He was developing anxiety and stress which ultimately affected the whole family. Hence, he decided to leave everything behind and returned home to support in caring for the family especially for his son.

He came to know about the ERRIN program from some of his friends in France which helps irregular migrants to return to their home country if they wish. He contacted the local counsellor of European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN) office in France and expressed his willingness to return.

The European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN) is a European Member State-driven initiative, that facilitates cooperation between migration authorities to support the wellbeing of vulnerable irregular migrants in Europe with the support through EU’s AMIF Funds, with co-financing from participating national agencies. Through this effort, many irregular migrants in Europe have been supported to return safe to their home countries and build new lives.

Caritas India is the Indian local partner for the ERRIN program which provide accompaniment to the voluntary returnees to reintegrated with their families and society ensuring they get the agreed livelihood, medical, and psychosocial support. In India, Caritas India works with its 31 grassroots partners in the state of Punjab, Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal, Delhi, and Maharashtra.

Bhakshinder returned in 2021 with the support of the ERRIN program and availed support for setting up a small restaurant business in his township. He was given continuous accompaniment by Caritas India and grassroots partners in planning, procurement and establishing his business. His family is happy with his return and is able to make ends meet.

Recently, Caritas India organized a stock taking meeting in Punjab to interact with returnees and document the progress of the returnees. The partner review meeting on 19th May 2022 was attended by about 26 people including Most Rev. Agnelo Rufino Gracias, the Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Jalandhar- at Navjeevan Charitable Society (NCS), Jalandhar, Punjab. Returnees from various destination countries, Caritas India team, the Director and the Project Coordinator of NCS attended the meeting.

Most Rev. Angelo Rufino Gracias lauded Caritas India for her unwavering assistance provided to the most vulnerable returnees in reintegrating them effectively even under the most difficult circumstances.

The participants were informed about the objectives, learning, challenges, and outcomes of the program. A small peer group discussion among the returnees and the team helped in clarifying the process and course of action. Though COVID hampered the regular physical operation of the reintegration programme but the NCS team alternatively conducted online and Offline verification and documentation processes to continue the work.

As part of case story sharing for promoting cross-learning among the returnees, Bhakshinder Singh shared his story as to how he was supported by OFII- French authorities and Caritas India in reintegrating him with his family and start the restaurant business.

This program is helping returnees in their reintegration process in their home states with the support of European states agencies. Caritas India has been providing psycho-social counselling support to the returnees to overcome their stress and build their confidence. Since 2018, more than 400 returnees have been provided accompaniment and supported.