Entrepreneurs started farmers’ fair on highway

Local farmers made fresh produces easily available to consumers at highway shops. Situated at the bustling national highway in Guwahati, Farmer’s market is taking all the limelight. A glimpse of different colourful stalls will fill you with excitement.

This is no normal farmers’ fair but an initiative of Guwahati Gana Seva Society (GGSS), a Caritas India partner under the FARM program to promote farmers’ agro-based products among the consumers. This fair provided a platform for the local farmers to sell their fresh nutritious produce to health-conscious consumers.

Caritas India FARM program aims to support the marginalized farmers in selling their agricultural products through a direct marketing system through collectivisation. This also helps to give control to the farmers over the local community market for the sale of excess organic produce.

“We never expected that our products will be sold so easily and at a good price, normally I used to earn Rs.350/- but today I made a profit of Rs.800.00 in the 1st half itself,” says Rinki Bangthai, one of the farmers participating in farmers’ fair.

The plan for the Farmer’s fair became reality after the due permission was given by the authorities. GGSS has selected a suitable place near the national highway which was ideal for the farmers who were coming with their products. Since the fair was opened in a strategic location the tourist and locals can access the fair easily. A new trend can be seen among the new middle class towards sustainable, organic and local food that is ready to pay a good price for such high nutritious products.

It is a move that reflects a trend in consumers toward natural foods which is toxic free. Farmers participated in this farmers fair to sell their products. The stalls and the farmers were ready with their products since 6 am with varieties of agricultural products including natural growing plants, wild edibles, seasonal fruits, and spices, aromatic paddy like joha & black rice, cloth items and handmade colorful mufflers.

The same enthusiasm can be seen among the consumers as a huge gathering and a good number of people turned out in the morning. They were very excited to see the products that are a very rare sight for them these days. They started buying the products at whatever price that was fixed by the farmers without even bargaining. The consumers were interested to know whether this farmer’s fair will be open every day, as there is a strong wish from consumers to buy directly from producers. There is an increased demand for organic fresh food among the people and they are ready to pay any amount.

The chairman and the concerned authority were satisfied with the Farmers Fair, and they were very happy to see the farmers making a profit. They have assured support in future as well. Provisions are being made for the regular marketplace and if things go well permission will be given for the weekly Sunday market on regular basis.