Wisdom of Life

Assam Flood Response 2022- START FUND


Duration:  July 02, 2022 to July, 02, 2022

About the Programme: The “Assam Flood 2022 Response” programme, supported by START NETWORK, aims to improve the lives of marginalised flood-affected groups by ensuring food security and livelihood, as well as ensuring safe and dignified shelter to reduce negative impact on health and the spread of water-borne diseases through the distribution of hygiene and Shelter/NFI kits and the enhancement of their knowledge through hygiene promotion activities. As an implementing partner, Caritas India intends to achieve these goals by reaching 1200 households through response activities.

Implementing partners: Direct Implementation

Geographical Reach: State- Assam, district- Hojai, block- Jugijaan, villages- (1.No Radhanagar, Dakhin Radhanagar, Matikhola, Uttar Matikhola, Sawtalbasti, Siliguri Basti and Gosora (Moina Pather))

Demographic Reach:

Sl. No Content Total
1 Total number of States 1
2 Total Number of villages 7
3 Total Number of GP’S 1
4 Total Number of Blocks 1
5 Total Number of Districts 1
6 Total covered Population 7104
7 Total Households 1480
8 Male & Female (population) 3481 F, 3623M

Highlights of the Program:

  • WASH Kit Distribution to 1480 families
  • Shelter Kit Distribution to 700 families
  • Food Kit distribution to 907 families
  • Cleaning of 7 handpumps
  • Hygiene Promotion


  • Ensuring safe and dignified shelter to reduce negative impact on health and the spread of water-borne diseases through the distribution of hygiene and Shelter/NFI kits and the enhancement of their knowledge through hygiene promotion activities.
  • Ensuring Food security through food kit distribution


  • Beneficiary selection meeting in all villages
  • Meeting with Communities – briefing about the program and support
  • Orientation meeting with the volunteers
  • Volunteers Kobo training


Ranu Pandit is a widow leaving in Radhanagar. Ranu Pandit lost her husband 6 years ago due to a deadly sickness. Since then she is been working hard daily as labour and maintain her family. Ranu Pandit has two young daughter, both of them are studying. During this flood her house was severely damaged since it was a kaccha house. She and her daughter had to take refuge at nearby relief camp. But the relief provided by caritas India helps them to overcome the situation after the flood. They received all the items – Hygiene, food and Shelter Kits. They are very much thankful for the team as well as caritas India for helping them in this situation.

Ranu PanditRadhanagar

Bipul Das an Unmarried man from Hojai, Assam, lives in a Small village named Siliguri. Bipul is a physically Challenged person, both the legs are paralyzed since birth. He lives with 9 members in his Family. But the flood affected the entire groups of Villages including Siliguri and unfortunately he and his family had to take rescue at nearby relief Camps.

As soon as the flood reduced, the caritas India team started a relief operation at nearby villages including Siliguri. The family of Bipul Das was provided with all the kits namely: Hygiene kits, Food kits and Shelter kits.

He thanks Caritas India for supporting and Helping with the quality and quantity relief assistance.

Bipul DasSiliguri

Dilaram Rajbhar a Widower who lives in a small village named Matikhola; Hojai, Assam is severely affected by both the flood waves occur this June. Dilaram Rajbhar is aged 74 years and has two sons. Dilaram one son is physically challenged and other one is working hard to maintain his family.

His house is a Kaccha and is partially damaged by the flood.

The financial Condition is not sound of his family so they could not much overcome from the damaged.

But the relief provided by team caritas India had a great impact in their current condition. They were provided hygiene, food and shelter kits against the damage they had faced.

He thanks Caritas India and Team for these valuable relief assistance materials. These will help us to improve our living

Dilaram RajbharUttar Matikhola

Minu Das is a married Woman from Siliguri lives with 5 members with her family. Minu is a Physically Challenged woman. Who faces lots of problem in her society and Family. She is a 50 years old lady with physical problem, she unable to walk since her legs are paralyzed.

During the flood she and her family faced great problem in her daily livelihood. They had to take refuge at nearby relief Camp. During the Relief Assistance operation by Caritas India. They got a

great privilege in improving their lives. She received all the Kits: Hygiene Food and Shelter kits.

Minu Das give thanks Caritas India and the team for providing us such great help for improving our situation. This relief assistance is very much helpful during this flood situation

Minu Das

She said that she is a unmarried women and taking care of her paralyzed father and Mother since 7 years. She is the only Bread Earner of the Family. During Flood she and her family suffered too much because she is only person have to take care of her Family. Her house also partially damaged during Flood. She also request for the Repair of her House to Caritas India. She said that after getting support From Caritas India – Shelter kits , Food kits and Wash kits she get emotional because no other Ngo or Govt Department has supported during the Flood.

She found very helpful by receiving all the 3 kits because she is not able to purchase. She Thanks Caritas India and Start Network for Supporting her and Her Family.

Sabitri DasSiliguri Basti

She said that she is a unmarried women and taking care of her paralyzed father and Mother since 7 years. She is the only Bread Earner of the Family. During Flood she and her family suffered too much because she is only person have to take care of her Family. Her house also partially damaged during Flood. She also request for the Repair of her House to Caritas India. She said that after getting support From Caritas India – Shelter kits , Food kits and Wash kits she get emotional because no other Ngo or Govt Department has supported during the Flood. She found very helpful by receiving all the 3 kits because she is not able to purchase. She Thanks Caritas India and Start Network for Supporting her and Her Family.
Sabitri DasSiliguri Basti
