FARM III final review: Shift from Regeneration to Resilience

Held up for three years as a tool for improving nutrition and Food Sovereignty, the FARM III became one of the best Climate Adaptive Agriculture programme in Northeast India. The development models and practices developed under the programme has unlocked endless opportunities for the farmers sustainability and progress.

Started in 2019, the final review of the Facilitating Agricultural Regeneration Measures (FARM) Phase III programme was hosted at North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS), Guwahati on 28 October 2022. The programme was attended by Directors and FARM programme and finance teams from 16 implementing Social Apostolate partners from the 7 states of North East India. Fr (Dr) Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India attended the programme along with Fr (Dr) Sebastian Ousseparampil, Executive Director, NEDSSS.

Caritas India led the partners through these three years of successful implementation of the programme. As a programme, it is implemented for 9 long years in the North East Region (NER) to strengthen smallholders’ food security through agro-based intervention. The achievements have proved that the programme has succeeded in bringing about an unprecedented reduction in poverty. It has promoted the smallholders to market their products and improve their economic conditions. Traditional wisdom in agriculture and other spheres has been explored and worked on to ensure that they remain relevant and in use in society for the upcoming generations.

One of the main attractions of the review is the release of knowledge products by Fr (Dr) Paul Moonjely and Fr (Dr) Sebastian Ousseparampil. Every FARM partner organization brought their knowledge products including thematic booklets on impactful case stories, manuals and posters on the use of wild edibles. These knowledge products are the learning outcomes and evidence of the programme.

Fr Paul was glad to see the knowledge products from each partner and appreciated them for putting up their hard work to bring out the publications. He shared as how Caritas India has been promoting knowledge management in its programmes. He urged the Caritas India team to work out consolidated knowledge products reflecting all the wild edibles, to be presented to the upcoming CBCI plenary session. 

Fr Paul shared the historical background of the FARM programme which started in Kerala as a movement to stop farmers’ suicide. He recalled, how 10 years of implementation was appreciated by the then programme donor, Caritas Australia. He explained how FARM came to NER to address the specific needs of the smallholders in the region. He greatly stressed the need to shift from Regeneration to Resilience, given the need of the hour. 

Fr Paul remarked how interesting it was to see that the programme team of Social Service Centre, Shillong had all women members, acknowledging the change that women could work shoulder to shoulder with men in agriculture and others. Fr Paul thanked the partner Directors and teams and indicated the possibility of the next FARM phase.

Caritas India took this opportunity to recognise the programme partners, directors and teams for their hard work, dedication, and sincerity. They were felicitated under various categories with mementoes and traditional towels. 

Fr Sebastian in his opening remarks began with a verse from Bible relating to agriculture. He shared his experience of 35 years in the social sector in the region and shared how closely he has been working with the communities. He pointed out the need of advocacy in agriculture. According to him, we need to look at the positives of Jhum cultivation and try our best to involve the youth in agricultural activities. He urged Caritas India to initiate a movement for the farmers on a national scale. 

The first day of the three-day event continued with a session on Climate adaptation & Resilient Livelihood Models taken by Dr Haridas V R, the thematic lead of Climate Justice, Caritas India. The programme will continue until 30th October with the partners presenting their achievements for the past 3 years.