Surokhit Shaishav – Promoting Safe Childhood Completes three years of its implementation in West Bengal

Caritas India’s Child protection programme Surokhit- Shaishav organised its Annual Review Meeting on 6th and 7th December 2022 at Seva Kendra Siliguri in West Bengal.

Abolition of child labour in all its form by establishing effective child protection systems and promoting children’s right to education, inclusive development, and social participation are some of the primary objectives of Surokhit- Shasishav programme.

Surokhit Shaishav is one of Caritas India’s flagship programmes that is implemented in the State of West Bengal accompanied by its partners. The programme recently completed three years of implementation since its inauguration in October 2019.

It is operationalised by seven different partners, including one non-Church partner, two congregational partners and four Diocesan Social Service Society (DSSS) besides being supported by Caritas Germany and BMZ.

The Annual Review meeting witnessed the participation of Seva Kendra Siliguri Director, Fr Felix Pinto, Mrs Soma Bhowmick, Director Suprava Panchashila Mahila Samiti ( SPMUS) and Child Welfare Committee Chairperson – Murshidabad District, Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director, Caritas India and other partners and programme coordinators.

In his welcome note, Fr Felix Pinto was appreciative of Caritas India’s Surokhit Shaishav programme in bringing about transformative changes in the mindset and attitudes of the community, individuals’ and other actors both in government and non-government bodies.

Fr. Jolly motivated the partners through his keynote address and added joy by sharing the good news about the programme’s second phase that would start in 2023 for the next three years. Fr. Jolly added that the Child Rights programme of West Bengal has helped Caritas India to become well-versed in child rights issues and developments. Given that fact, Caritas India is now undertaking another initiative to work for the dignity of children (Khushal Bachpan), a programme that will be implemented in other states. He also thanked a few of the old partners of the programme who helped in the smooth implementation of the Surokhit Shaishav programme in the field.

In his speech Fr. Jolly remarked on the work of “safeguarding children” as a social responsibility. He emphasized the Church’s role in providing a fulfilling childhood to children and ensuring the protection of their rights which is also a part of Catholic Social Responsibility.

Fr. Jolly recommended partners to expand their interventions and replicate their success stories in new locations in the next phase so that more children can be included under the safety net.

In his concluding remarks, Fr Jolly reminded the participants of the goal of “Leave No One Behind” enlisted in the “Sustainable Development Goals” which underscores the objective of inculcating all the underprivileged under the umbrella of development.  It also highlights the need to bring youngsters into the programme as decision-makers so they can widen their horizons and provide valuable opinions towards building a better future for the country.

The meeting also saw programme Team members, coordinators and child protection workers of Surokhit Shaishav- Anugyalaya DDSS, Bal Suraksha Abhiyan, Seva Kendra Siliguri, Social Welfare Institute Raigunj, Krishangar Cathedral Charitable Social Society, Suprava Panchashila Mahila Uddyog Samiti and Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre present their annual programme Impact level achievements at Micro, Meso and Macro level, along with key milestones, learnings, challenges, and solutions.

“Our profound gratitude to Caritas Germany, BMZ and Caritas India for lending their consistent support to our children in West Bengal. We are happy that this programme has taken into account child participation and aspirations, care and protection and in short, the best interest of the child,” said Mrs Soma Bhowmick, Director Suprava Panchashila Mahila Samiti ( SPMUS) and Child Welfare Committee Chairperson – Murshidabad District in her valedictory note.

In his final concluding address  Fr Jolly, accentuated accountability, interface and dialogue with the government so we can establish a concrete support system through our programme and interventions.