Development Dynamic Course concluded in Shimoga

The 52nd Development Dynamics Course (DDC) organized by Caritas India under the banner of Caritas Institute of Development Action and Learning (CIDAL) on 22nd November 2022, came to an end on 9th December 2022. Development Dynamic Course (DDC), one of the signature programs of Caritas India has been successfully organised in Sannidhi, Shimoga on 22nd November – 09th December 2022 with the active involvement of 34 participants across India.  This program imparted knowledge and skills on various aspects of social development such as social Analysis/People empowerment, Catholic Social Teachings (CST), Theory of change, strategic plan, strategic pillars of Caritas, Community Mobilisation, strategies, participatory Learning Exercise, tool development for field visit,   Project Cycle Management/Result Based Management, Development Communication, Climate Justice & Environmental Protection, Finance and Legal compliances, Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning (MEAL), Management of Development Organisations Policies & Initiatives. Well-experienced resource persons could transfer their knowledge to the participants. The participants showed their extra interest in the subjects as it will be of great support for their social ministry. This year when Caritas India is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee year, we are happy that this 52nd DDC is able to transfer knowledge and skills to 34 participants who are working in the field of social development. On participating in this course, the participants will be able to apply the knowledge and skills in their intervention areas through projects and programs.

Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas India welcomed Most Rev. Mar Joseph Arumachadath, Bishop of Bhadravathi and shared that under DDC so far 3000 professionals have been trained and one of the participants is doing research in the USA as part of his PhD. He requested the participants to show the impact of their learnings in the field and encouraged them to share their experiences with the organization. He expressed his gratitude to Rev. Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto, Director, SMSSS, Shivamogg and Rev. Fr. Duming Dias, Director, Sannidhi for extending their all support and cooperation in organizing the course and making all the arrangements including a field visit on social analysis and community mobilization, exposure visit to Jog Falls.  The chief guest of the valedictory program, Most Rev. Mar Joseph Arumachadath, Bishop of Bhadravathi expressed his happiness and joy for organizing the 52nd Development Dynamics Course in Sannidhi which is a very good centre to have a residential program in Shivamogga. He said that there is good scope for professional social workers especially to serve in the community development sector. To serve in the community effectively, different kinds of orientations and knowledge are required. He congratulated all the participants for participating in the course and enhancing their knowledge of different aspects of social work.

Participants were able to imbibe the spirit of Catholic Social Teaching and are equipped to put this into practice in their social apostolate. The skills of Micro Social Analysis and Macro Economic Analysis developed with practical experience. Participants are equipped with capacities to initiate, sustain and promote the empowerment of the poor and oppressed. The emerging concept of Development and various approaches are understood by the participants. The strategies for community mobilization are understood. The concepts related to Disaster Management, Integrated Natural Resource Management, rights-based Approaches to Development, and Project Cycle Management were clarified. Skills in development communications, finance management and the ways to manage Development Organizations acquired.   

The DDC participants handover a report of the course to  Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely and the certificates were distributed to the participants. Rev. Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto and Rev. Fr. Duming Dias thanked Caritas India for conducting the program in the Centre and experiencing the facilities available in the Centre. On behalf of all the DDC participants, Rev. Fr. Thomas John shared his experiences on the DDC and thanked all the resource persons for sharing their knowledge with the participants. The course was organized in Sannidhi, Centre for Pastoral Renewal, Shivamogga, Karnataka.