Northeast infused with spirit of Caritas diamond jubilee and FARM Northeast launch

Northeast India has always been indispensable for Caritas India’s humanitarian and development efforts given its propensity to disasters. The vulnerable population of the region is supported with programmes like FARM Northeast, Global Program India, COVID Response, Flood Response—Relief and Recovery in Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura, PROCAP, Global Program India, Anti Human Trafficking, CBR, Capacity Building Program, etc.

Given all the monumental interventions and measurable outcomes, Caritas India, in collaboration with its partners, celebrated its Diamond Jubilee at the premises of the North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS), Joypur, Kharghuli, Guwahati. To mark this jubilee year, Caritas organised a joint programme with the CBR programme on disability to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the launching of the FARM phase IV programme in the NE region.

The major highlight of the programme is the good visibility of the work undertaken in the disability field and the testimonials of persons with disabilities and their parents. In fact, it bears witness to the impact and changes experienced by persons with disabilities due to the CBR programme. CBR has been instrumental in bringing about meaningful change in the lives of persons with disabilities (PWD), their families, and the community.

The programme witnesses 110 participants from 3 locations in Rangia, Rani, and Rampur blocks under Kamrup Rural, Assam, the Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation, and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (CRCSRE), Guwahati, and local NGO partners such as Shishu Sarothi and the Assam Centre for Rural Development (ACRD). The programme also had participants from FARM NE and the Global Program, including directors, coordinators, accountants, and animators from 16 implementing partners, along with external guests from civil society.

The celebration marked its opening with the holy eucharist celebrated by Most Rev. John Moolachira, Archbishop of Guwahati, along with Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director, and with Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India.

On February 6, 2023, Caritas India organised a grand launch of the Facilitating Agricultural Resilient Measures (FARM) programme in the Northeast (NE), Phase IV program, at Jubilee Hall, North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS), Guwahati. The event was graced by Most Rev John Moolachira, Archbishop of Guwahati, who acted as the Chief Guest, and Dr Vincent Darlong from the Centre for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS), Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU), Shillong, who served as the Guest of Honour.

“Every socio-economic development programme is an opportunity for the Church to become more involved in serving the poor, and the Church has a preferential obligation to work with the less fortunate,” said Most Rev. Archbishop John Moolachira while praising Caritas India for its efforts in supporting marginal smallholder farmers in the Northeast Region (NER). He emphasised that FARM NE has made significant contributions to empowering the smallholder farmers of NER and expressed his contentment that all 16 diocesan partners will be part of this initiative for the next three years.

Emphasizing the importance of networking on ideas, people, and opportunities, Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India, stressed the need to bring like-minded institutions, such as the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs), the regional centre for agricultural research and extension, agriculture universities, and others, into the programme to benefit the vulnerable smallholder farming communities. He also expressed that the fourth phase of FARM NE will significantly benefit from a set of revolutionary interventions in the context of climate change and will reach out to the most vulnerable members of society.

Fr. Dr. Jolly Puthenpura, the Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India, shared the journey of FARM NE, highlighting the significant impacts that it had on the lives of the smallholders. He provided a comprehensive overview of the achievements and milestones of FARM NE Phase III, including the planting of over 100,000 perineal trees, the empowerment of nearly 8,000 smallholders to sell their surplus products in the nearby local market, the assistance of over 5,000 families in receiving government entitlements, the registration of over 140 farmers’ under NABARD, the training of over 5,900 lead farmers in agricultural skills, and above all, the training of 8,500 smallholder farmers as seed savers by restoring varieties of indigenous seeds locally. Fr. Jolly also highlighted the importance of community-led development and the empowerment of smallholders to become active change-makers and decision-makers.

Dr. Vincent Darlong, the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) at MLCU, Shillong, spoke about his experiences in agriculture and climate change in the region and appreciated the initiatives of Caritas India in supporting the smallholder farmers. He made a presentation on successful agriculture models in the NER.

The launch also witnessed the release of ‘Nurturing Resilient Farms’ a knowledge compendium of FARM NE III. At the conclusion of the event, Fr. James Anderson Syiemlieh, Director of Nongstoin Social Service Society (NSSS), proposed a vote of thanks. The event was also marked by the launch of a booklet titled “Resilient Farms,” which highlighted the success stories of 16 implementing partners under FARM NE Phase III.

The launch was followed by FARM NE IV orientation for its partners and staff on February 7 and 8, 2023, at, North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS), Guwahati.

The next phase of the programme focuses on vulnerable small farm households that can have improved food security and sustainable income through resilient farming systems. Under the programme, farmers will be promoted to have resilient, diversified production, increased assets, improved soil organic carbon, natural conservation systems, better marketing, and increased income.

“There is a need to consolidate the innovations, significant changes, and best practises that have been widely accepted and adopted by the smallholder farming communities,” emphasised Fr. Paul while addressing the partners and the staff. He also encouraged the team to see opportunities for better networking with relevant departments, institutions, universities, and academics, as well as thematic integration with another Caritas India thematic desk (such as disaster and anti-migration) for the holistic development of societies.

Fr. Jolly shared about the importance of the partnership and accountability framework of Caritas India. He made a detailed presentation on various aspects of the accountability framework to be maintained at every level. He also presented the strict norms of the FCRA and other government rules and urged the partners to be vigilant. He highlighted the monitoring mechanism, grading system for partners, and understanding of partnership for Caritas India, which is based on the democratic and dialogical process of mutual help, accountability sharing, and empowerment.

Fr. Sebastian Ousepparampil, Executive Director, Northeast Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS), also spoke on the occasion. He thanked Caritas India for being instrumental in ensuring FARM NE Phase IV for the vulnerable farming communities. While assuring the FARM NE team of his support, he emphasised the importance of smallholder producers’ produce being market linked in order to obtain a better price and thus improve livelihood.

The two-day orientation session was then taken forward with joint facilitation. Mr. Jonas Lakra, Programme Lead Northeast Zone took a session on PLD approach, the very essence of FARM Northeast programme.  The orientation was designed using the World Cafe Method to draw the complete attention and participation of the programme team members in realising the solutions (outcomes, outputs, and activities) proposed in the logical framework in a simple, interactive way to make them understand. Mr. Pradipta Chand, thematic lead for climate-adaptive agriculture and food sovereignty, along with Mr. Prabal, thematic associate for FARM NE, explained the FARM NE concept. Partners were given a complete overview of the programme framework, implementation methodology, and a few innovative people-led or smallholder-led models like the integrated farming system approach, mapping of small farm components for integration, re-use and recycling of farm waste and resources, value chain development, and marketing of small farm agri-food.