Water and Climate India Programme urged to step up for water conservation

Partners of the Climate India Programme were suggested to work on water availability through soil and water conservation measures. The program is being implemented by Khandwa Diocesan Social Service and Pragati Society in 3 districts. It aims to provide safe drinking water to 28,592 households in tribal communities in Madhya Pradesh using the method of solar water disinfection (SODIS) with WADI.

On March 21 and 22, 2023, Caritas India organised a two-day review to monitor programme progress and provide capacity building at KDSSS.

Program staff mentioned the gaps in the usage of WADI devices in a large number of HHs on regular basis. They were presenting the work done status of the past four months, from November 2023 to March 2023. The program’s achievements were reviewed and given the necessary feedback.

It was suggested that in order to build a good relationship with the community, work on water availability through soil and water conservation and regreening in the villages by strengthening CBOs (Women group, Farmers group, Youth group, etc.).

“Apart from the targeted activities, the partners could focus on networking and linkages with government departments for availing various available government schemes, i.e., Ayushman Card, National Jal Jeevan Mission, Kapildhara (water availability and conservation schemes), Ladli Bahan Yojana, etc., for the overall development of project beneficiaries.” Suggested Dr. Saju M. K., Zonal Lead, West Zone.

Mr. Jan Helioz, who participated virtually in the programme review, recommended prioritising the development of PET management committees in villages in consideration of the local contribution for PET bottles and testing the usability of glass bottles at the HH level. Additionally, he advised saving rainwater for use as an alternative source of clean water during the rainy season.

Mr. Sandeep Singh presented the proposed next-year plan of activities, to which all partners agreed, and activity was carried out in which a detailed next four-month result plan with a timeline was prepared and presented by partners. It is agreed that partners will share the finalised results plan by next week.

Mr. Babita Pinto, Head of Programmes, Caritas India, insisted on community ownership by transitioning the approach to demand-driven. She urged to put more focus on vulnerable households in the programme and establish a mechanism to initiate village-level resource mobilisation for PET management. The need for various studies to assess the impact of a programme on specific themes was expressed. She also advised having effective WASH campaigns in the villages.

Mr. Sandeep oriented the team on water sanitation and hygiene aspects, especially, safe sanitation (promoting the use of toilets), preventing the spread of microorganisms by encouraging handwashing, and the best way to store disinfected water. During the documentation session, the team also learned how to create quality reports and case studies.

Dr. Saju focused on enhancing the programme team’s capacity for programme management in the final session, where he focused on monitoring daily updates, and monthly reports, and organising regular capacity-building programmes for programme staff skill development.