Cricket Match Organized for Migrants to Build Bonds and Foster Inclusion

In today’s diverse society, promoting social inclusion and building bonds among migrant communities is more important than ever. In a state like Kerala, the concentration of migrants is beyond imagination, Wayanad itself has 40,000 migrant workers, whereas Sultan Bathery records more than 10,000 migrant residents.

Kerala was among the few states in the country that handled the pandemic relatively well in terms of the migrant crisis. Government, civil society, and individuals have greatly contributed to the well-being of the migrants in the State.

As part of the Safe Migration Post Covid project supported by CHARIS, Singapore, Caritas India reached out to 600 migrant families through Shreyas, the Diocesan Social Service Society of Sultan Bathery. The project provided health awareness, COVID vaccination, medical kits, medical camps, and health insurance support to the migrant communities to ensure their health and security.

The recent visits to the migrant hubs revealed growing concern about the increasing number of migrants who are idle and wasting their time on mobile phones and other unproductive activities. This has led to a sense of isolation and disconnection from the wider community, which can have a detrimental effect on their mental health and wellbeing. In response to this, a cricket match was organized by Shreyas along with Don Bosco College Bathery for migrants to help them engage with each other and build bonds to reduce stress and make them physically and mentally active.

The cricket match was planned between two teams, Bengali migrants staying near Assumption Convent and Rajasthani migrant staying near Don Bosco College. Both the team formed their teams and started practicing for the match scheduled for April 15, 2023.

The cricket match was played in a friendly and competitive spirit, between Rajsthani team “Rajasthan Royals” and Bengali team “Bengal Tigers” putting up a good fight. The spectators cheered on their favorite teams, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. The match ended in a close finish, with one team emerging as the winner.

The match was inaugurated by Fr. Johnson, Principal of Don Bosco College with his message that “migrant workers who come for the cricket match are very young. This outdoor game helps them to burn out their extra energy through a good channel. Otherwise, there are chances to engage in some other bad ways to burn out their energy. This game not only reduces their stress but also makes them happy.”

Match was limited to 10 over where the first match was won by “Rajasthan Royals” by 5 wickets whereas the second match went in the favour of “Bengal tigers” defeating “Rajasthan Royals” by 4 wickets. The spectators cheered on their favorite teams, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

The Captain of the West Bengal team appreciated Shreyas for this innovative step saying, “This match creates a oneness feeling among us and we are so much happy to play cricket which would promote our health as well as our internal unity.”

Mr. Dominic, the Safe Migration project Coordinator shared that It was my great pleasure to conduct such a cricket match. I am happy to know that Migrant workers were ready to buy cricket equipment like bats and balls and they will be ready to come every Sunday to play cricket matches” after the prize distribution ceremony.

The event received positive feedback from the participants, with many expressing their desire to participate in similar events in the future. The organizers also expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the event, highlighting the importance of promoting social inclusion and building bonds among migrant communities.

Realizing the impact of this noble initiative, Shreyas is planning to extend this program at the district level and annually for migrant workers in collaboration with the district administration and like-minded organizations. Fr. David, Executive Director, Shreyas, Bathery says through this outdoor game Shreyas could be built a good relationship with the migrant workers. Shreyas will conduct more cricket matches in future.

On 28th May Shreyas planned to conduct a cricket match with Bengal Tigers and Shreyas Central office Staff as the extension of the Safe Migration programme, which would help the migrants un the areas to live healthy and friendly.

This cricket match is just one example of how sports can be used as a tool to promote social inclusion and build bonds among diverse communities. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the role that sports can play in fostering social cohesion and promoting integration.

Studies have shown that sports can help break down barriers and promote understanding between different groups. For migrants, participating in sports can also provide a sense of belonging and help them feel more connected to their new communities.

In addition to cricket, other sports such as football, basketball, and volleyball have also been used to promote social inclusion and build bonds among migrant communities. These events not only provide a platform for migrants to come together and engage in fun and meaningful activities but also help to break down stereotypes and promote understanding between different groups.

In conclusion, the cricket match organized for migrants is a great example of how sports can be used to promote social inclusion and build bonds among diverse communities. By bringing together migrants from different parts of the world, this event provided a valuable platform for them to come together and engage in a fun and friendly competition while also fostering a sense of community and belonging. As we continue to grapple with issues of diversity and inclusion, events like this are essential in building bridges between different groups and promoting understanding and empathy.