FARM Northeast review emphasizes sustainability and collaboration for meaningful impact

In a recent Facilitating Agricultural Resilient Measures (FARM) Northeast Phase – IV project review cum thematic meeting, stakeholders gathered to discuss the progress of ongoing agricultural initiatives across the region. The meeting was facilitated by Caritas India and was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the projects and identifying areas where improvements can be made.

The fourth phase of FARM Northeast was launched in February 2023 to work with smallholder farmers in different agro-climatic zones to make small farms resilient while maintaining a natural resource base in the region. The program will work with 17, 775 vulnerable small farm households of 192 ethnic villages to improve their food security and sustainable income through a resilient farming system.

The program’s first three months involved basic preparation for the actual implementation. During this period series of preparatory activities were carried out, selection and finalization of villages, the appointment of program staffs, drafting of DIP, Cashflow preparation, feasibility study of the new villages, identification of field office, and identification of volunteers and lead farmers to support the program.

The first review meeting cum thematic training was organised from 24th to 26th May 2023 at Rural Research Training Centre (RRTC), Umran, Meghalaya. All 16 partners presented the activities and immediate results of the last 6 months. Discussions were held on DIP, MEAL indicators, concept, and process of the activities from the thematic perspective.

This phase not only works towards increasing the food availability through farm production but also increase the resilience to climate change and disaster. It additionally increased income through cultivator-consumer-connectivity by adding value to their small farm agri food.

Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India, Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura attended the meeting to encourage the partnerrs on this innovative mission. He also visited two program partners in Meghalaya as part of partnership building, program monitoring and review. In Jaintia Hills Development Society (JHDS), he met the diocesan administrator, diocesan director and staff of JHDS. He also visited Thadsning village, one of the FARM program villages and interacted with the community on the agricultural interventions. This village has upscaled its food basket from 23 to 42 food items after the intervention of FARM program.

Fr Jolly also visited the Nongstoin diocese and met the new Bishop Most Rev. Wilbert Marwein. He interacted with both incoming and outgoing diocesan directors. He visited one of the FARM villages, Sohparu, known for the school of traditional medicines that sustained beyond the previous phases of the FARM programme. Fr Jolly interacted with the traditional healers and got to learn about the cure received by patients through testimonials. He also interacted with the school children and motivated them to be good citizens.

The meeting concluded with a call to reinforce these efforts to improve the agricultural sector in the region. It was clear that sustainable agriculture is becoming more of a priority than ever before, and concerted action is needed to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the region.

The Caritas India officials thanked the participants for their input and emphasized their commitment to continue supporting initiatives aimed at increasing productivity and profitability of the farming community in Northeast. They also encouraged stakeholders to work together more cohesively to bring about positive change in the agriculture sector.