Interfaith conclave at Agra dialogue for peace and harmony

Samvaad, a peacebuilding and reconciliation programme of Caritas India, has organised an Interfaith conclave on July 27, 2023, to strengthen and promote interreligious dialogue for peace and harmony.

The conclave was organised at St. Marry Convent School in Agra Diocese, with more than a hundred participants witnessing the dialogue on Peace and harmony. The participants included religious leaders from different faiths as well as representatives from civil society organisations and community leaders.

The Agra Diocese of Social Service paid a heartfelt tribute to the victims of the Manipur riots during an interfaith conclave of religious leaders. The conclave started with a prayer service for the victims of the Manipur riots, followed by a dance by the students of St. Marry School on peace and harmony. The participants discussed the challenges as well as the ways to overcome these hurdles in building peace and harmony.

The involvement of Caritas India’s “Samvaad peace building and reconciliation programme” underscores the importance of collaboration between religious and humanitarian organisations in working towards peace and rebuilding trust among diverse communities.

During the opening session, Mr. Animesh Williams, Programme Associate of the Samvaad programme, shared about Caritas India and the Samvaad programme. Later, the stage was given to the religious leaders from different faiths to share their perspectives on the importance of embodying the values of love, peace, and harmony in practical ways in everyday life. Bhadante Sheelanand, representing Jainism, emphasised the significance of translating these concepts into actions that promote kindness, respect for differences, and collective well-being.
Maulana Uzer Alam Khan, representing the Muslim religion, raised concerns about the misuse of religious teachings for selfish purposes. He reminded attendees that the core purpose of any religion should be to favour love, peace, and harmony rather than sowing division among people.

Archbishop Albert Dsouza, representing Christianity, emphasised that all religions teach the value of humanity and love. He advocated for dialogue and mutual respect among different belief systems to counteract negative comments and misconceptions about each other’s teachings, working together to promote peace within the nation.

A Hindu priest from the Mankameshwar temple, Mahant Yogesh Puri, lamented the current state of humanity, expressing concern that people are not following the teachings of their own religion, despite being aware of the emphasis on love and harmony within their respective holy books. He highlighted the need for individuals to move beyond self-interest and truly embody the teachings of their faith.

Father Moon from the Sadhbhavna Committee stressed the necessity of Samvaad (dialogue) to address conflicts arising from divergent thoughts and perspectives. This implies that open and respectful discussions are essential to finding common ground and promoting peace.

Director of the Agra Social Work Society, Fr. Varghese Kunnath, played a significant role in leading the conclave to a successful conclusion. The event also saw the participation of various interfaith leaders, educators, local government representatives (Blockheads), media professionals, and other prominent figures from the city.

Overall, the conclave served as a platform for religious leaders and individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together, share their insights, and collectively advocate for love, peace, harmony, and understanding among different communities. Such events have a positive impact on promoting peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.

The interfaith conclave in Agra was a timely reminder to promote the importance of love, peace, and harmony in society. The religious leaders who spoke at the conclave shared their insights on how these values are essential for building a strong nation. They spoke about how love is the foundation of all religions and how it is the only way to overcome the challenges we face as a society. They also spoke about how peace and harmony are essential for the well-being of individuals and communities. The conclave was a positive step in the fight for peace and harmony in India. The participants in the conclave committed to working together to promote these values in society. The conclave concluded with a commitment to work together to promote peace and harmony in society. The participants also vowed to use their respective platforms to raise awareness about the importance of peace and harmony.