Strengthening Capacities of CBR Staff on program management

To enhance the efficacy of its Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) program initiatives, Caritas India conducted a comprehensive three-day training course for its Programme Extension Associates (PEAs) at KROSS, Bangalore from August 22-24, 2023. A total of 29 PEAs, alongside members of the Caritas India CBR core team from northern and southern regions, participated in this intensive training.

At the heart of this training lay a pivotal objective – the enrichment of the PEAs’ capacities to foster seamless planning, execution, monitoring, evaluation, and knowledge integration within CBR and Community-Based Inclusive Development (CBID) programs.

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India, commenced the deliberations with a thought-provoking opening address. Expressing his appreciation for the dedicated efforts of the Programme Extension Associates, he underscored the profound impact they have in facilitating empowerment, inclusion, and active participation of individuals with disabilities in their communities.

He further illuminated the notion of ‘ableism’, a biased outlook towards people with disabilities, urging the participants to shed such prejudices and recognize the inherent capabilities present within each individual, regardless of their abilities. The importance of professionalism was emphasized, with Fr. Paul urging the team to continuously acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that foster effective engagement. Resonating deeply with the ethos of Caritas India, he emphasized the organization’s commitment to respecting the dignity of persons with disabilities and their journey towards empowerment.

Delving into the course content, the first day’s sessions were devoted to acquainting the team with Caritas India CBR’s new strategic plan for the period 2023-2028, while also shedding light on the prominent activities lined up for the upcoming year in alignment with this strategy.

The participants got involved in a comprehensive orientation on Project Cycle Management, which encompassed the utilization of Results-Based Management techniques for meticulous planning, seamless implementation, vigilant monitoring, and thorough evaluation. The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan of CI CBR was presented, shedding light on anticipated outcomes, performance indicators, and targets. The team was well-informed on methods of data verification, compilation, analysis, and the vital process of reporting concrete results.

The subsequent day witnessed an engaging exchange as Programme Extension Associates shared state-wise presentations, spotlighting their noteworthy achievements, challenges confronted, innovative solutions forged, and pioneering practices embraced. This platform aimed to facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas, encouraging effective planning, execution, monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of the program’s outcomes across diverse regions.

The final day was dedicated to the participatory interactive sessions, delving into the advancement of community-level groups, such as children support groups, mothers’/carers’ collectives, stakeholder committees, women with disabilities fora, and parents’ associations. Additional emphasis was placed on strengthening the operational efficiency of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). The participants collectively reflected on bolstering OPDs to ensure gender balance, inclusive representation, and strategic collaboration, thereby championing systemic transformations through enhanced networking and collaboration with duty-bearers.

Furthermore, significant insights into Caritas India’s HR policy, safeguarding measures, POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment), and child rights policies were unveiled. The administrative and finance teams provided a concise overview of new requisites in light of staff being recruited under the payroll mode. Participants were adeptly oriented toward the intricacies of facilitating livelihood support for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), encompassing indispensable aspects like quotations, invoices, and settlement procedures for advances provided to PEAs.

The culmination of this enriching workshop was marked by a constructive exchange of feedback, applauding successful elements and suggesting areas of refinement. The event culminated with a heartfelt vote of thanks and warm wishes extended for the participants’ safe journeys back to their respective destinations.