Fostering Unity Through Dialogue: Caritas India’s Samvaad Programme

In a world marred by divisions and conflicts, the pursuit of peace and harmony becomes an indispensable endeavor. Caritas India, in collaboration with six partners, has embarked on a profound journey through the Samvaad Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Program. This comprehensive initiative is designed to infuse tranquility and understanding in the seven western districts of Uttar Pradesh. With an unwavering commitment to unity and cooperation among communities, the programme has taken substantial strides over the course of four years. Caritas India’s dedication to this cause is a testament to the significance of fostering amicable coexistence and harmony in a society grappling with multifaceted challenges.

The essence of the programme lies in its multi-year approach, which encompasses both cluster and individual initiatives. This layered strategy acknowledges the complex dimensions of peace and harmony, tackling them from various angles. The programme’s evolution to two years of cluster engagement and three years of individual interventions showcases maturity and experience that enrich the strategies employed.

At its core, the programme’s objectives are to cultivate a peaceful environment free from communal tensions and promote harmony among stakeholders. These objectives align harmoniously with the broader concept that social cohesion and understanding are foundational for a nation’s development and progress.

A pivotal aspect of this initiative is the practice of monthly review meetings and orientations. This proactive approach enables continuous tracking of progress, gathering valuable feedback, and refining strategies for optimal results. The programme’s adaptability to evolving community needs is a testament to its dynamic nature.

The recent two-day annual review and orientation held at Ujala Pastoral Centre Kotdwar underscores the programme’s commitment to accountability, assessment, and enhancement. This event, spearheaded under the guidance of Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Putenpura, Assistant Executive Director, Caritas India, brings together partner staff and directors, infusing a wealth of leadership and expertise into the review process. A potent exploration of the Samvaad Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Programme’s impact reveals its steadfast dedication to addressing a vital facet of community developmentā€”peace and harmony. The programme’s emphasis on regular review, strategic planning, and the involvement of both local partners and higher-level leadership demonstrates its potential for sustainable impact. As the programme continues to refine its strategies, it holds promise as a model for fostering peace and unity in all corners of the nation.

The orientation event served as an avenue for partners and Caritas India to synergize their efforts for the upcoming year. Acknowledging the paramount importance of humanity, Fr. Jolly underscored how the programme serves as a change-maker, preparing communities to steer clear of violence and communal discord. Ms. Babita Pinto, Head of Programme at Caritas India, highlighted key programme accelerators, including community-led peace campaigns, mass awareness through the Info Van movement, peace handbooks and curricula, cricket tournaments for youth, peace magazines, and more. The roadmap she delineated spans across strategic adaptations, stakeholder involvement, community ownership, and partnerships with local governance.

During her insightful suggestions, she emphasised the need for a comprehensive programme review, focusing on parameters that gauge the programme’s sustainability. She highlighted the importance of embracing novel strategies and approaches, with a keen focus on bolstering stakeholder participation and evaluating their contributions to the program. Additionally, she stressed the transition of programme ownership to the community and stakeholders, ensuring its relevance at the local level. Looking ahead, she presented the way forward to strengthen community-led institutions and governance structures, including citizen forums, Community-Based organisations (CBOs), and peace clubs. Engagement with local governance was also underscored, aiming to establish rapport and collaboration. To enhance impact, she proposed the formation of an advisory or think tank group at the state level, tasked with identifying pressing issues and appropriate levels of engagement. The inclusion of religious leaders in the programme was also suggested. Furthermore, a forthcoming peace conference was announced, adding to the programme’s dynamic initiatives. To symbolise this commitment, Fr. Jolly and the directors inaugurated a Peace Magazine for the children of the Peace Club, distributing peace kits that encapsulate the programme’s essence.

The Samvaad Programme’s vision for peace encompasses various dimensions, from engaging religious leaders to enhancing community-led institutions and governance. Fr. Jolly’s insightful feedback and suggestions emphasised tracking participant identities and preparing youth to take ownership of engagement initiatives. The event was also marked by the launch of a children’s magazine and peace kits, fostering a sense of empowerment and commitment to peaceful coexistence.

Through its Samvaad Programme, Caritas India is instrumental in creating a platform where diverse communities engage in meaningful dialogue for peace. As the journey continues, the programme’s transformative potential has a silver lining, fostering unity and harmony in a world yearning for both.

Fr. Jolly’s recommendations echoed the sentiment of love and unity, emphasising the vital role of religious leaders in amplifying the message of peace. The culmination of the event saw prominent social figures engaging actively, collectively underscoring the importance of interfaith dialogue and the overarching duty of humanity. The discussions held during the event transcend mere words; they instigate actions and collaborations that promote understanding and harmony.

The subsequent day of the orientation they have included a field visit by Fr. Jolly, where he witnessed firsthand the impact of the program. From meeting peace club children and community-based organisations to engaging with various stakeholders, the interactions showcased the tangible difference the programme is making. Karuna Social Service Society’s implementation in twelve villages of Najibabad town stands as a testament to the programme’s outreach. The event’s participants, including representatives from different faiths, reaffirmed their commitment to promoting interfaith dialogue and unity. Prominent social personalities such as Maulana Irfan, Rakesh Juneja, Asha Raza, and Tanveer Jahan actively participated. Amber Raza, Program coordinator, concluded the program with an appeal to all to promote interfaith dialogue, emphasising humanity as the foremost duty.

Caritas India’s commitment to incorporating Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) tools into the programme’s upcoming phase is a notable inclusion in this endeavour. A virtual introduction to MEAL was done by Mr. Dileesh Varghese, Lead, MEAL, of Caritas India, who reflected on the importance of MEAL in any Program to measure the quality and success of the Program.

An orientation on the Samvaad program implementation was given by Mr. Animesh Williams from Caritas India, who summarised the with program operation techniques. He emphasised that this year will focus on the structured engagement of all established groups so their learning can contribute to the goal of the program. He said that children, youth, and interfaith leaders are the focus groups of the programme that need to be strengthened for more collaborative actions leading to communal harmony and peace. A short orientation on the Peace Curriculum was done with the team, where they were guided on how the Peace Club children can be made skilled and experts to work on peace promotion and contribute towards peaceful societies.

Through engagement, education, and empowerment, Caritas India’s Samvaad Programme is sculpting a future where diversity converges into a harmonious whole, weaving the fabric of peace that binds communities together.