Empowering Program Staff for a More Inclusive Tomorrow

In an inspiring demonstration of their commitment to promoting inclusivity and empowerment, the Caritas India Community-Based Rehabilitation program recently conducted a three-day capacity-building workshop for 15 dedicated Programme Extension Associates (PEAs) hailing from the Northeast region. The event, held from September 12 to September 14, 2023, at the NEDSS in Guwahati, aimed to equip these associates with the knowledge and skills necessary for enhancing the planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of CBR) and OPDs.

This workshop not only served as a platform for knowledge-sharing but also as a catalyst for fostering cross-learning and inter-state exchanges among the PEAs. Caritas India’s mission, embodied by this event, is to ensure that individuals living with disabilities are not only respected and treated with dignity but also provided with the right opportunities to reach their full potential.

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, the Executive Director of Caritas India, set the tone for the workshop with his inspirational inaugural address. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the immense potential within each person, irrespective of their disabilities. Drawing from the remarkable journey of Gautam Lewis, a person affected by polio who defied the odds to become a pilot, Fr. Paul highlighted the transformative power of providing the right environment and opportunities for growth. He encouraged the PEAs to use their newfound knowledge and skills to positively influence the lives of people with disabilities, urging them to discard any attitudes of ‘ableism’ that underestimate the abilities of those with disabilities.

Adding a global perspective to the event, Ms. Sigrid Baldinger, Programme Coordinator for Northeast India at Light for the World, joined the participants virtually. Her session focused on promoting gender inclusion within CBR programmes. She brought attention to the existing gender disparity within these programs and urged the PEAs to reflect on its causes and consequences. Ms. Baldinger offered practical recommendations to address this imbalance, including collecting data on women and girls with disabilities, empowering them economically, promoting their access to education, and building safe and accessible infrastructure.

The workshop delved into Caritas India’s five-year strategic plan and its major activities for the year 2023-2024. Participants were introduced to results-based management techniques, emphasizing the significance of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, documenting, and reporting results. The Monitoring and Evaluation plan, a cornerstone of the new strategic plan for 2023-2028, was thoroughly explored, covering its five thematic areas. Practical tools and methods for data collection, compilation, analysis, and reporting were also shared, equipping the PEAs with the tools they need for success.

In a display of dedication and determination, PEAs from different states presented their achievements, challenges, and solutions from the past five months. This open dialogue provided an invaluable platform for cross-learning, enabling teams to discover innovative ways to overcome common challenges.

The final day of the workshop centered on strengthening Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and OPDs, as well as various community-level groups, such as children support groups, mothers’ support groups, village/panchayat level community stakeholders’ committees, fora of women with disabilities, and parents’ associations. Additionally, participants received briefings on Caritas India’s safeguarding, POSH, and child protection policies, crucial elements in ensuring the safety and well-being of all program beneficiaries. The event culminated with a session on administrative and financial matters, outlining new requirements related to staff enrollment in payroll mode, financial accountability, and guidelines for facilitating livelihood support.

The workshop’s successful conclusion was marked by the Lead – CBR’s closing remarks, which encapsulated the spirit of this empowering event. Participants shared their valuable feedback, underscoring the immense value they derived from the capacity-building workshop.

Through this workshop, Caritas India has not only strengthened the capabilities of its dedicated associates but also reaffirmed its commitment to promoting the inclusion, dignity, and potential of individuals living with disabilities. As these empowered PEAs return to their respective communities, they carry with them the tools and knowledge needed to create a more inclusive and equitable society where every individual can thrive.