Regional CSO Networking Meeting Strengthens Collaborative Efforts for Melghat’s Development

The rural population of the Melghat region in Maharashtra is often disproportionately affected by the changing climate, due to their dependency on climate-sensitive sectors. The complexities have expanded in the react decades due to human-induced climate change. Shift in cultivating seasons, loss of biodiversity and traditional ecological knowledge, economic instability, malnutrition, and rising vulnerabilities are some of the major challenges that have affected the overall development of the region.

For years, several civil society organizations have been working for the betterment of the region but have failed to achieve the desired results. For the development of the region, a comprehensive interdependent, multidisciplinary sustainable approach is required to understand the dynamic linkages between nature and society.

Cartas India and its Sabal Partners, represented by Mathruchaya Social Welfare Centre (MSW), Jeevan Vikas Sanstha (JVS), and Dayasagar Social Centre (DSC) recently took a collaborative effort to enhance the development of the Melghat region in Maharashtra. This event brought together Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) operating in the Melghat Region, offering them a platform for coordination and collaboration.

Out of the 13 NGOs invited, 10 actively participated in this landmark meeting. Among the prominent organizations in attendance were Action Against Hunger, Khoj, Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR), Divya Sadan Social Center, Dayasagar Hospital Trust, Jeevan Vikas Sanstha, Mathruchaya Social Welfare Centre, Dayasagar Social Centre, and Caritas India. A total of 30 participants graced this event, reflecting a strong commitment to the cause.

Adv. Sr. Hira Parkhe, the Director of MSSC, introduced the esteemed resource person of the meeting, Fr. Stephan Muthu, and Mr. Robin George, the Program Lead of Sabal. Dr. Mukund Deshmukh, the Assistant Program Lead – Sabal, provided context by highlighting the significance of networking. He emphasized that networking is a vital agent for disseminating knowledge about grassroots needs, solutions, and best practices. It empowers NGOs to speak collectively, influencing decision-makers for the betterment of the Melghat area.

He shared that in today’s ever-evolving landscape, the challenges faced by NGOs are daunting. They demand substantial resources, time, and relentless effort. Collaborative partnerships among like-minded organizations can help in alleviating these challenges and amplify the collective impact of NGOs. Moreover, the exchange of knowledge and expertise catalyzes innovative solutions, fosters continuous learning, and nurtures robust networks and partnerships that lay the foundation for sustained success.

Caritas India through the Sabal project, Matru Chaya Social Centre Bhandaraj hosted a one-day training program on September 16, 2023 exclusively for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The program aimed to equip participants with insights and strategies related to CSR fundraising and the enhancement of NGO efficacy, particularly targeting Social Work Directors and Project Managers.

The training sessions were guided by the distinguished speaker Fr. Stephen Muthu from Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu. He shared his extensive expertise on CSR fundraising strategies and the empowerment of NGOs, inspiring attendees with his deep knowledge and engaging presentation style. It was a memorable day for the Melghat CSOs, marked by valuable insights and shared experiences.

Following the sessions, 12 NGOs convened to discuss, plan, and review the last meeting’s outcomes. The primary focus was on issue-based collaboration, tapping into Government Schemes, and capacity-building within the NGO community. Until the networking structure solidifies, CSO meetings are scheduled for the first week of every month, with the formation of a WhatsApp group to facilitate idea-sharing and agenda preparation for subsequent meetings.

The meeting’s overarching purpose was to foster greater understanding among NGOs and form a cohesive representatives’ group. This group will function effectively in presenting the social issues of the villages during GO-NGO coordination meetings, thereby increasing the collective impact of these organizations.

As the event concluded, Mr. Swapnil Salkar, on behalf of MSSC, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all participants, signifying the spirit of collaboration that will drive positive change in the Melghat region. This regional CSO networking meeting has laid the foundation for a brighter, more coordinated future for the region’s development efforts, thanks to the dedicated work of these committed organizations.