With a promising future in sight, Khushaal Bachpan Closes off its Literacy Campaign

Caritas India’s Khushaal Bachpan Project marked International Literacy Day 2023, emphasizing the critical role of literacy at the individual, communal, and societal levels. The global theme for this year’s International Literacy Day, “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies,” resonated throughout the campaign celebration.

This commemoration spanned two weeks, from September 8 to September 22, 2023, across ten districts in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh. These districts encompassed Jhabua, Alirajpur, Shravasti, Bahraich, Udaipur, Jashpur, Sarguja, Raigarh, Raipur, and Bastar.

In various districts across India, initiatives were taken to celebrate and promote literacy, highlighting the pivotal role of parents and the community. In Udaipur, parents engaged in activities alongside their children, emphasizing the importance of reading through slogan writing and discussions. Raipur witnessed the inauguration of a literacy vehicle, spreading messages on reading’s significance through written and audio content. Reflective walls in Raipur schools allowed students to express their thoughts on reading empowerment. In Sirri village, gender-inclusive STEM understanding was reinforced, distributing science kits to foster interest and knowledge sharing among students.

Play-way activities were conducted in Udaipur and Surguja, focusing on holistic child development through physical and cognitive exercises. Sensitization efforts in Udaipur targeted the broader community, urging support for children’s education. Students in Raigarh decorated a knowledge-enlightening tree, sharing their feelings about reading and its importance. Raipur organized a quiz to enhance students’ academic understanding and self-confidence.

In Jashpur, the Padhai Utsav (reading celebration), celebrated by the community, PRI members, teachers, and children, involved launching a mobile library and dedicating 30 minutes to reading. The literacy campaign continued in Udaipur, where children engaged in reading aloud activities, creative writing, and drawing, boosting their comprehension and confidence. Principals and teachers also actively participated.

In Bahraich and Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh the mobile library was launched focusing on foundational literacy and numeracy aligned with the NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Bharat Mission. In Surguja, the mobile library reached seven villages and six schools, motivating children, and key education stakeholders. These literacy campaigns have been instrumental in mobilizing and sensitizing communities to recognize the importance of children’s education. In Udaipur, children not only engaged in creative activities but also committed to sharing the importance of education with their peers, becoming ambassadors of change.

The Khushaal Bachpan team used creative methods to engage communities and children in different regions- In Udaipur, Rajasthan, puppet shows were employed to convey important messages and inspire a brighter future. In Shravasti (UP), a mobile library brought the community together. In both Raipur (Chhattisgarh) and Shravasti (UP), storytelling activities allowed participants to share their academic and reading experiences, gaining recognition from community leaders and teachers.

After a two-week-long literacy campaign spanning across ten districts in four states, the campaign achieved significant outreach milestones. It reached a total of 155 villages and extended its impact to 96 Gram Panchayats, engaging with 188 PRI members. In addition, 136 schools actively participated, involving 123 principals and 250 dedicated teachers.

In terms of households, we successfully reached 2746, and our campaign touched the lives of 3993 girls and 4173 boys, ensuring that the message of literacy reached children from diverse backgrounds. 49 Children with disabilities were also included, underlining the campaign’s inclusive approach. Moreover, 2699 parents were involved in the initiative, emphasizing the importance of community engagement.

Parents play a vital role in shaping the appropriate environment for children, and Khushaal Bachpan also focuses on motivating parents to promote their child’s education. At the heart of the Khushaal Bachpan project lies the commitment to advancing its mission of fostering literacy, nurturing a love for reading, and promoting Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN). This mission is encapsulated by the campaign’s tagline, ‘sab padhein, sab badhein‘—an invitation for all to read and flourish.