From Farmer to Poultry Entrepreneur: The Inspiring Journey of Mrs. Pragbai Ahirwar

In the drought-prone region of Bundelkhand, where agriculture often struggles against the harsh climate, smallholder farmers face significant challenges. The single cropping pattern prevalent in this area, compounded by the effects of climate change, has led to decreased productivity and income for many, pushing some farmers to the brink of despair. However, the SAFBIN program became a silver lining, creating opportunities for smallholder farmers to diversify their livelihoods and improve their economic conditions. Mrs. Pragbai Ahirwar’s story is a shining example of this transformative journey.

Mrs. Pragbai, a resident of Chakeri Binaka village in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, lives in a joint family with her husband, two sons, and her elder son’s family. Her family’s primary source of livelihood is their two-acre agricultural land. Despite her efforts as a Bank Sakhi under the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), earning around ₹2,000 per month, the economic burden on her family was significant.

Pragbai’s inclusion in the SAFBIN project marked the beginning of a new chapter. The program, which aims to reduce cultivation costs and increase income through localized and integrated farming systems, provided her with comprehensive training in sustainable agriculture, women’s empowerment, and income generation activities.

Motivated by the training and support from SAFBIN, Pragbai expanded her knowledge by engaging with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) for further training in poultry farming. With initial support from KVK and the SAFBIN team, she started a poultry farm with 50 local breed chicks. Demonstrating leadership, she mobilized her Self-Help Group (SHG) members, educating them on the potential of poultry farming to boost their collective income.

The SHG successfully secured a cash credit limit from NRLM, enabling them to expand their poultry venture collectively. Recognizing the need for continuous supervision and care, Pragbai proposed and gained agreement to establish a poultry farm on vacant land adjacent to her home. As the president of her SHG, her leadership was pivotal in the successful establishment and management of the poultry farm.

Today, the poultry farm is fully functional, significantly improving Pragbai’s economic condition. She now earns an average of ₹3,000 to ₹4,000 per month from poultry farming. Her initiative not only benefits her but also supports ten other women in her SHG. Beyond economic gains, Pragbai has become a resource farmer of sustainable agriculture practices, promoting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) techniques within her community.

Pragbai is now connected with 40 women farmers, supporting them in developing community-managed nurseries and growing over ten thousand saplings of nutritious trees for other households in the program. Her leadership and dedication have inspired many, showcasing the profound impact of the SAFBIN project.

Reflecting on her journey, Mrs. Pragbai Ahirwar expresses her gratitude:
“I was selected in the Integrated Farming System initiative of the SAFBIN program, and with the help of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, I got 40 chicks which I am taking care of very well. This is a golden opportunity for me to strengthen my livelihood along with farming and take my family on the path of development. Along with this poultry farming, as a lead farmer, I also train other women and try to make them as capable as me. I would like to thank the SAFBIN program for giving me this opportunity.”

Mrs. Pragbai Ahirwar’s journey from a subsistence farmer to a successful poultry entrepreneur exemplifies the power of collective mobilization and empowerment. Her story is a testament to the transformative impact of the SAFBIN program, which continues to create opportunities for smallholder farmers in Bundelkhand. By promoting sustainable agriculture and diversified livelihoods, SAFBIN is helping farmers like Pragbai achieve financial stability and resilience, paving the way for a brighter future.