Caritas India Mobilizes Response for Wayanad Landslides

In the wake of the devastating landslides that struck Wayanad, Kerala, Caritas India has stepped up its efforts to provide immediate relief and long-term recovery solutions for affected communities. Triggered by heavy monsoon rains, the landslides have resulted in the tragic loss of over 400 lives, with many more still reported missing. As families grapple with the aftermath of this disaster, Caritas India is committed to addressing their urgent needs and helping them rebuild their lives.

From August 3-4, 2024, a team from Caritas India, led by Fr. Antony Fernandez, Associate Director, conducted a field visit to the landslide-affected areas in Wayanad and Calicut. The team aimed to assess the damage, engage with local communities, and coordinate with government officials and partner organizations. The visit provided a sobering glimpse into the destruction, with homes reduced to rubble and vital infrastructure in ruins.

During the visit, the team interacted directly with affected families, gathering firsthand accounts of their experiences and challenges. Many community members expressed urgent needs for shelter, food, medical aid, and psychological support. This engagement highlighted the importance of a well-coordinated relief effort and a comprehensive plan for long-term rehabilitation.

Caritas India has prioritized collaboration with local authorities and organizations to ensure an effective response. Meetings were held with key stakeholders, including local government officials, the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA), and representatives from UNICEF, Sphere India and the Inter-Agency Group (IAG) Wayanad. These discussions focused on streamlining relief efforts and laying the groundwork for long-term recovery initiatives.

Bishop Joseph Mar Thomas of Sulthan Bathery emphasized the importance of a coordinated response, stating, “In the wake of the devastating landslides, it is imperative that Caritas India coordinates with its partners to develop concrete and realistic long-term plans.” This sentiment was echoed by local MLA I.C. Balakrishnan, who recognized the invaluable role of Caritas India in previous disaster recovery efforts.

Immediate and Long-Term Plans

Caritas India’s intervention strategy encompasses both immediate relief and long-term recovery efforts. Key objectives include:

  1. Assessment of Damage and Needs: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of physical damage to infrastructure and homes, and identifying the immediate needs of affected communities.
  2. Provision of Essential Supplies: Ensuring that families receive food, clean water, medical care, and psychosocial support.
  3. Restoration of Basic Services: Working towards restoring access to clean water and essential medical services.
  4. Housing Reconstruction: Planning for the construction of safe housing and the rehabilitation of public infrastructure.
  5. Livelihood Restoration: Supporting affected families in rebuilding their livelihoods through targeted interventions.
  6. Community Resilience Building: Implementing disaster preparedness training and sustainable development practices to enhance community resilience against future disasters.

The insights gained from the field visit and community engagement will inform the development of a robust response strategy that prioritizes the well-being of affected populations. Caritas India plans to adopt a holistic approach that integrates health, education, and livelihood components to address the multifaceted needs of the communities.

Fr. Antony Fernandez stated, “Caritas India has been on the ground in the affected areas from day one. We are currently assessing the situation and will provide tangible, long-term interventions based on the real needs of the affected people.”

Moving Forward Together

As the recovery efforts unfold, Caritas India remains committed to fostering collaboration among various stakeholders to maximize the impact of interventions. The organization’s experience in disaster response, particularly during the Kerala floods of 2018 and 2019, positions it well to support the affected communities in their journey toward recovery.

The road ahead will require sustained efforts, compassion, and a unified approach to restore normalcy in the lives of those impacted by the landslides. With the support of donors, civil society, and government agencies, Caritas India aims to help these communities rebuild not just their homes, but also their hopes for a better future.