Launch of Organic Products Marks a New Era for Smallholder Farmers in Assam

In a transformative step towards sustainable agriculture, the Guwahati Gana Seva Samiti (GGSS), a partner of Caritas India under the FARM Northeast program, has officially launched two innovative organic products: Janata Bio-Pest Repellent and Janata Janata Weed Compost. This initiative not only showcases the potential of smallholder farmers but also emphasizes the importance of environmentally friendly practices in agriculture.

The launch event, held in Nizsohori village, Nagaon District, was a celebration of collaboration and innovation, highlighting the significant impact of the FARM Northeast program on local farming communities. These products, developed by smallholder farmer collectives, are designed to provide cost-effective and ecologically balanced alternatives to conventional chemical inputs, which have long been a burden on farmers both economically and environmentally.

The introduction of Janata Bio-Pest Repellent and Janata Weed Compost is a significant milestone in the journey of smallholder farmers in Assam. These products are not only affordable but also align with the growing demand for organic farming solutions that prioritize ecological balance. By reducing reliance on costly chemical fertilizers and pesticides, these innovations empower farmers to enhance their productivity while nurturing the health of their soil and crops.

Testimonies from local farmers underscore the positive impact of these products. Apu Bordoloi, one of the beneficiaries, shared how the weed compost has improved his soil health and boosted crop yields. He expressed gratitude for the reduction in chemical input costs, which has alleviated financial pressure on his farming operations. Similarly, Mrinal Newar highlighted the effectiveness of the bio-pest repellent, noting its ability to control pest infestations without harming beneficial insects. This natural solution has not only made his farming practices more sustainable but has also aligned with his vision of maintaining a healthy farm ecosystem.

The event was attended by a distinguished panel of guests, including Rekha Rani Chetia, Block Technology Manager (BTM), Sub-Divisional Agricultural Office, Raha, Government of Assam, and Dr. D.N. Dutta, Former Dean of Assam Agricultural University. Their presence emphasized the importance of this initiative in promoting sustainable agricultural practices in the region.

Ms Rekha Rani Chetia acknowledged the significance of organic farming techniques, stating that the introduction of these products aligns with the government’s vision for sustainable agriculture. She noted the scarcity of bio-pest repellents in the market, highlighting the need for such innovations.

Dr. D.N. Dutta praised the products for their potential to enhance soil health and productivity, ensuring long-term benefits for farmers. He elaborated on the ease of preparing these natural products at home, positioning them as tools for entrepreneurship while cautioning against the detrimental effects of chemical inputs in agriculture.

Fr. Maya Martin Mushahary, Director of GGSS, expressed optimism about the impact of these products on the farming community. He emphasized GGSS’s commitment to empowering smallholder farmers by providing them with innovative tools that reduce dependency on expensive chemical inputs. He assured attendees that efforts are underway to market these products effectively, fostering an environment where organic farming can thrive.

Mr. Prabal Sen, Lead Technical at Caritas India, highlighted the broader implications of this initiative. He stressed the importance of reviving organic farming practices, which have been integral to the region’s culture, especially in the face of climate change challenges. He urged GGSS to create platforms for smallholders to sell their products, ensuring their economic viability.

According to Mr. Prabin Minz, Field Programme Associate at GGSS, the organization, with the continued support of Caritas India, is dedicated to promoting these eco-friendly products across Nagaon District. The initiative aims to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, equipping them with the tools and knowledge necessary for success in organic farming.

The launch of Janata Bio-Pest Repellent and Janata Weed Compost marks a new chapter in organic farming in Assam, where innovation, sustainability, and community empowerment converge. Through the FARM Northeast IV program, GGSS and Caritas India are committed to ensuring that smallholder farmers have the resources and support needed to lead the way in sustainable agriculture, paving the path for a brighter and more sustainable future for farming in the region.