Strengthening NGO coordination to save world’s largest mangrove forest

Strengthening NGO coordination to save world’s largest mangrove forest

The delta of Sunderbans is under threat of extinction. The largest mangrove forest in the world known for its rich biodiversity is facing a danger of climate crisis.

The most striking change is seen in rising sea level, salinity intrusion, increasing sea surface temperature, rainfall variability, storm surges, increased frequency of river floods, storms, over-siltation of the rivers, soil erosion, and island subsidence. Several NGOs, Civil Society, and Government agencies are working to preserve this beautiful forest from various disasters. Caritas India is working in Sunderbans on disaster risk reduction and preparedness for disaster with the community and government departments.

Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur (PUSB) the local implementing the Global Program in 6 Blocks of South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal to build the resilience of people to disasters. The program is a community-led partnership model hosted by Caritas India with the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Germany and Caritas Germany.

As part of strengthening NGO coordination in Sundarban, PUSB has organized NGO coordination meeting at Kalpataru Ashram in Namkhana Block on 14th June 2022. The main objective of the meeting was to strengthen the network of NGOs working in Sundarbans by sharing working experiences and chalking out recommendations. 25 NGOs working in different Panchayats under Namkhana Block have actively participated in the meeting.

The meeting focused its discussion on the importance of NGOs Network in Sundarbans to facilitate in implementing District Disaster Management Plan, Sharing of Disaster Resilience Models, Identification of the best DRR practices and recommendations from the findings. The NGO representatives shared some of the best practices prevalent in the low-lying disaster-prone areas, high-raised plinths for houses and high-raised platforms for Tube Well to access safe drinking water during floods.

The NGO coordination meeting came up with nine-point recommendations to mitigate the situation at the ground:

  1. DRR measures need to incorporate in all the development work (housing, Agriculture, roads, water and sanitation, Health etc.)
  2. Install tube well in high raised platform.
  3. Most of the river embankment is very low, during the high tide the saline water overflowed, and damages houses and crops hence raise the embankment
  4. Concretization of weak Riverbank or making Ring bandh (Guard) in identified vulnerable riverbank in GP wise under Namkhana Block.
  5. Proposal for installation or repairing of Solar System at Multi-Purpose Cyclone Shelter, locally known as or Flood Shelter.
  6. It has been observed that some Illegal Fishery grown up just beside the riverbank which could be reason for infringement of riverbank during Cyclone and Flood. The issue is remaining as same due to political biasness.
  7. Proposal for Excavation of Canal to ventilate the stagnant water of post flood, heavy rain, and high tide.
  8. Mangrove plantation in the bank of River duly nurturing and follow up by the local Self-Help Group Members under DRR related scheme.
  9. Refresher training for the existing Disaster Management Committee and Task Force Team is required to make it more functional.


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