POSHAN Mela 2023: A Vibrant step towards building Nutrition Resilience

POSHAN Mela 2023: A Vibrant step towards building Nutrition Resilience

In a remarkable initiative aimed at addressing malnutrition among the most vulnerable populations, particularly children and pregnant/lactating women, Caritas India’s Global Program NGO joined forces with the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) department to organize the POSHAN Mela 2023. This community-engaging event unfolded in Bissom Cuttack and Gudari block of Rayagada District from September 26th to 28th.

The POSHAN Mela witnessed active participation from more than 422 Anganwadi Workers, Health Workers, Pregnant and Lactating Women, Adolescent Girls, Community Volunteers, PRI Leaders (230 in Bissom Cuttack & 192 in Gudari), Block Chairman, BDO, Block Medical Officer, BEO, Zilla Parishad Member, CDPO, Sarpanches, local NGO representatives, and Government officials from various departments, including NHM, Mission Shakti, PDS, and Agriculture.

This event was more than just a program; it was a vibrant community engagement. The entire event was not limited to the program area alone but extended to include various activities. All the Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) in both blocks actively participated.

The Global Program by Caritas India and the ICDS department has a noble mission at its core – to combat malnutrition in all its forms among the most vulnerable members of our society. This includes children and pregnant/lactating women who are often the most affected by this pressing issue.

The POSHAN Mela’s significance lies in its community-oriented approach. It aims to empower the local population to actively participate in the fight against malnutrition. By bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, including government officials, NGO representatives, and local leaders, the event fostered a sense of collective responsibility towards this critical issue.

The POSHAN Mela in Rayagada district brought forth an array of engaging activities aimed at addressing the pressing issue of malnutrition, each contributing to a holistic approach in the battle against nutritional deficiencies.

Nutrition Messages

Esteemed guests graced the event with their presence and delivered informative messages that underscored the significance of a balanced diet, the crucial role of breastfeeding, maintaining hygiene practices, and the consumption of indigenous foods. These key messages served as foundational pillars in the ongoing fight against malnutrition.

Nutrition Food Exhibitions

Within the event, stalls were thoughtfully organized to showcase a diverse range of locally sourced, highly nutrient-dense foods. Among the stars of this exhibition were the wholesome millets, brimming with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, among other beneficial compounds. This presentation not only encouraged the consumption of traditional and nutritious foods but also shone a spotlight on the importance of supporting local farmers and food producers.

Cultural Programs

To convey nutrition messages in an engaging and captivating manner, the event featured cultural programs. Dances, songs, and skits, presented by individuals and groups, created a lively atmosphere. This creative approach was particularly effective in emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and was a memorable experience for the audience. Active participation in these programs was observed from adolescent girls and dedicated Anganwadi Workers.

Nutrition Quiz

A quiz competition was enthusiastically embraced by participants, particularly adolescent girls and pregnant/lactating women. Those who displayed exceptional knowledge were rewarded with encouraging gifts, reinforcing the significance of nutritional awareness.

Nutrition Procession/Village Walk

A Nutrition Procession and Village Walk were conducted, complete with posters, leaflets, and banners, all designed to promote nutritional awareness, education, and behavioural change within the community. This initiative encouraged active involvement in the mission to combat malnutrition.

We4Resilience Campaign Poster Exhibition

A dedicated exhibition featured a series of posters with informative messages regarding the three faces of malnutrition, the Food Pyramid, Balanced Diet, Nutrition Providers, the six Services of ICDS, Millet, and its myriad benefits. Visitors to the stall gained valuable insights into these important aspects, further enhancing their understanding of nutrition.

The POSHAN Mela held in Rayagada district stands as a commendable initiative in the ongoing battle against malnutrition and the promotion of a balanced diet among local communities. Through a focus on sustainability and collaboration, this event possesses the potential to instigate substantial and enduring changes in the nutritional landscape of the region. The observations made during the event reflect a promising stride toward a healthier, more nourished community, with strengthened community bonds and heightened nutritional awareness as valuable byproducts of this collaborative effort.

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