Strengthening Bonds, Forging Excellence: A Three-Day Journey of Team Building and Inspiration

Strengthening Bonds, Forging Excellence: A Three-Day Journey of Team Building and Inspiration

In a world where collaboration is key, the Global Program staff embarked on a transformative journey of team building and knowledge sharing. This three-day capacity-building workshop from 25th September 2023 – 27th September 2023 was attended by 23 staff at Don Bosco Management Institute, Guwahati, Assam has provided a platform for team members to unite, rekindle their collective purpose, and fortify the bonds that fuel impactful program outreach.

Dr. Jaison Varghese, the Senior Program Lead, set the stage by shedding light on the workshop’s objectives. The primary goal was to establish a shared understanding among the Global Programme India team. Drawing from insights gained during the initial phases of our program, he highlighted the challenges we’ve faced on the ground. This workshop was conceived as a collective response to these challenges, with a focus on enhancing role clarity, cultivating trust, and fostering accountability. The aim was clear: to create a cohesive and influential team capable of inspiring and positively impacting others through shared wisdom.

The journey began with Mr. Kushal Neogy from Catholic Relief Services leading the way. Six ice-breaking activities set the tone, fostering a deeper understanding among team members and creating an atmosphere of camaraderie.

Following this, Fr. Paul Moonjely took the reins, guiding us through the intricate art of team building. His emphasis on reimagining our team’s purpose struck a chord. He urged us to reflect on four critical capitals: Human Resources, Financial, Trust, and Knowledge. Father Paul aimed to convey the importance of recognizing your own capability to offer help and support to both programs and fellow team members. He emphasized that this self-awareness empowers the team to tackle challenges with dedication and embrace fundamental aspects of life like Love, Resilience, Joy, and Truth.

Effective teams, we learned, hinge on four cornerstones: Respecting Diversity, Commitment, Leadership, and Communication. Shockingly, 86% of team failures can be traced back to a lack of collaboration and communication. This revelation led us to explore the 4Cs: Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, and Coordination. These pillars became our guiding lights, illuminating the path to more efficient teamwork.

Day two delved deeper into the intricacies of Binding, Bridging, and Bonding within the team. We uncovered how preconceived notions and biases can cloud our judgment during conflicts. Using the SPIRO tool developed by Prof. Uday Pareek from IIM (A), we gained insight into our initial reactions during calm and storm. Additional tools were introduced to identify our interpersonal skills and styles, helping us manage reactions and conflicts.

The concept of Ego States opened new doors to understanding ourselves and our team members. We recognized three distinct states: The Parent, responsible for regulation and support; The Adult, focused on information processing; and The Child, characterized by curiosity, creativity, playfulness, rebellion, and more. Our exploration of these states allowed us to develop our OK (okay) styles, paving the way for mindful responses instead of impulsive reactions.

The final day took us on a community visit and off-roading adventure at RaniKhamar Retreat. In Village 1, Rani, we met a differently abled entrepreneur creating bamboo art and teaching sustainable production to villagers. Village 2, Chandubi, introduced us to multiple stakeholders and beneficiaries involved in a Community-Based Rehabilitation project. Their advocacy for increased accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, including securing travel concessions and government recognition, left a lasting impression. The ongoing challenge of acquiring iris scans for official documents for PWDs sparked discussions on collaboration with organizations specializing in assisting visually impaired individuals.

In conclusion, our three-day journey was a testament to the power of team building and collaboration in the Global Programme India Project. We commemorated each other, reimagined our collective purpose, and fortified the bonds that make us a formidable team. As we continue our mission, we do so with enhanced clarity, trust, and accountability, armed with the lessons learned from this transformative experience.

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