A girl rescued by Caritas India DEHAT and SSB Team

A girl from Hempur village of district Shravasti in Uttar Pradesh was rescued from being trafficked, informed the Caritas India team. The local Police have detained the perpetrator and registered an FIR under the Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act, 370 IPC.

Caritas India partner DEHAT team received the information about a girl being sold in a village in Hempur village of district Shravasti which is 110 KM from the DEHAT Swaraksha AHT Program Intervention area.

Program coordinator, Hasan Firoz contacted Shashastra Seema Bal (SSB) Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) team and shared the information regarding the captivity of this young girl. It was during the continuous sensitization meetings with all stakeholders that SSB AHTU took the information seriously and formed a team for the operation without delay. This team consist of 8 members 3 from the DEHAT Swaraksha team and 5 from SSB AHTU 42nd BN. This operation was headed by Sarita Kumari SSB Inspector and Hasan Firoz from DEHAT NGO.

One of the DEHAT team members was surrounded by the villagers when they came to know about this rescue operation, and they were agitating to stop this rescue. The SSB team Immediately contacted the nearest BOP 62 BN stationed close to Hempur village for help.

After this information, the team reached the incident area and conducted a successful joint rescue to save the life of the innocent girl. The information about the captivity had reached in the late afternoon and the team immediately travelled four hours by road and completed the rescued during nighttime. There was no time to wait for another day as the perpetrators may flee from the place where they were halting with the girl.

The rescue of the girl not only saved the life of the innocent who was eloped for the false promises but the Prima facie of the case was very much clear that the case is of Human Trafficking. The rescue team has informed the local Police station where they shared their concern on this rescue & to book the perpetrator under section 370, finally, the Police lodged an FIR against the culprit & he was sent to jail.

It was a collective effort & commitment which was seen from the very beginning of this rescue where the good coordination of the DEHAT team & Shashastra Seema Bal was seen to save the life of innocent. Local Police also played an important role by detaining the Perpetrator and Registering an FIR without delay under the Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act, 370 IPC.

Caritas India Partners in the last four years had developed a good rapport with the stakeholders and community which is very much visible now.it can be said that Swaraksha AHT Program has not only raised awareness & sensitized Stakeholders and communities but also it has empowered them to act on their own to envisage the sustainability of the Program. Gradually Swaraksha AHT Program is moving towards Sustainable Development Goal 16.2 which aim is to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children.