A transformation through integrated farming: The Inspiring Journey of a Meghalaya Farmer

Robin Rabha, a 40-year old farmer from Tapha Danggre village under Resubelpara Block in North Garo Hills District in Meghalaya has undergone a remarkable transformation by embracing the Integrated Farming System (IFS) and reshaped his fortunes.

Before Robin embarked on this life-altering journey, his agricultural endeavors were marked by uncertainties and meager returns. Like many farmers in the region, he grappled with the challenges of unpredictable weather patterns, diminishing soil fertility and low income. The traditional farming methods he had inherited were no longer sufficient to provide a stable income for his family.

It was during this time that Caritas India’s Farm Northeast program, a visionary initiative aimed at revitalizing agriculture in the northeastern region of India, entered Robin’s life. The program, supported by Misereor Germany, sought to equip farmers with modern techniques and sustainable practices to enhance their agricultural productivity. He attended a training program on on integrated farming system at his village organised by BAKDIL under FARM-NE-IV program. He was highly taken up by the idea of integrated farming system (IFS). After that training, he realized that he had the potential to increase his farm activities and multi-crop production from his garden.
Under the guidance of KVK, Robin underwent intensive training in integrated farming system, preparation of organic manure and natural farming systems. The training was a pivotal turning point, as it introduced him to an innovative and holistic approach to agriculture.

The IFS model, which combines diverse agricultural activities such as crop cultivation, animal husbandry, pisciculture, and agroforestry, was a revelation to Robin. It offered him a comprehensive strategy to optimize his farm’s resources, minimize risks, and maximize profits.
Eager to implement his newfound knowledge, Robin wasted no time in transforming his farm into an integrated system. He started by diversifying his crops, growing a variety of vegetables alongside traditional staples crops. The integration of bio input into his farming system allowed him to make efficient use of organic manure, further enhancing soil fertility.

The results of Robin’s transformation were nothing short of astonishing. Within a span of time of implementing the IFS model, his farm’s productivity surged. The diversified crops, combined with efficient pest management techniques learned during his training, significantly reduced crop losses.

The impact of adopting the Integrated Farming System was profound. Robin saw his income multiply threefold, a feat that seemed unimaginable just a few years earlier. This substantial increase in earnings not only improved his family’s standard of living but also provided him with the means to widen the scope of sustainable livelihood.

Robin’s story of transformation did not remain confined to his farm. His success radiated throughout his community, inspiring other farmers to explore the possibilities of integrated farming. FARM program has been a great scope in uplifting the farmers in the farming sector. The journey of this program right from phase one has been a remarkable accomplishment with great impacts. Such kind of remarkable accomplishment is prevailing in the FARM-IV project area in the Garo Hills region as well, echoed, Andrew Rangsa, Field Programme Associate (FPA), BAKDIL.

“I have faced tough situations in my life from my childhood, since I am the Eldest in a family I have responsibility to take care of my younger brothers and support my parents at home. Moreover my family is economically very weak which cannot afford to have education in my life. I am thankful to God for this program that we are getting to learn new ideas and skill of farming on organic farming, millet cultivation, integrated farming system and other relevant activities every now and then,” shared Robin Rabha with Mr. Andrew R. Marak (Field Program Associate) and Mr. John Tomistar Sangma, the Community Educator during their visit.

The story of Robin is a testament to the power of knowledge, innovation, and determination in agriculture. His journey from uncertainty to abundance serves as an inspiration not only for Meghalaya but for the entire agricultural landscape of northeastern India. With the support of initiatives like the Farm Northeast program and the dedication of farmers like Robin, a more sustainable and prosperous future for agriculture in the region is within reach. His transformation illuminates a path toward a brighter and more secure future for farming communities across the nation.