Action plan against drug abuse in Kerala

Sajeevam, the anti-drug abuse campaign has come up with an action plan to tackle the drug abuse situation in Kerala. The campaign has planned a strategy to engage the community at different levels to partake in awareness-building to fight the common battle.

The rapid use of drugs in different parts of the state is manifested in the increased number of crimes reported in Kerala. The most terrible fact is that children younger than 10 years of age are also trapped in this vicious cycle. The trend also shows that most users are now addicted to synthetic drugs, which are highly dangerous.

SAJEEVAM is an initiative taken by Caritas India in close collaboration with the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council (KCBC) and Kerala Social Service Forum (KSSF), along with 32 diocesan social service societies (DSSS) of Kerala, to effectively involve and efficiently reduce this dreaded menace. Caritas India and KSSF have clubbed all 32 DSSS into five clusters, namely the Malabar cluster, Kottayam cluster, Cochin cluster, Thrissur cluster, and Trivandrum cluster, for better coordination and communication. By making this division, the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the activities of each DSSS became more effective, which ensured participation and effective communication.

The cluster level meetings were organised starting from March 16th to March 24th, 2023, at selected DSSS offices in the clusters. All the DSSS directors and Sajeevam coordinators have asked to participate in the meetings. The meeting helped to acquire a clear understanding of the campaign among the DSSS team, to share the objectives, convictions, envisaged results, and working methods of the campaign, and to formulate four-month-long plans to make the campaign more effective. Fr. Jacob Mavunkal, Executive Director, Kerala Social Service Forum, and Mr. Abeesh Antony, State Programme Associate, Caritas India, facilitated the cluster level meetings. The meetings were inaugurated by the vicar generals of the hosting diocese.

“Every person, irrespective of gender, religion, caste, or any other differences, is entitled to raise their voice against drugs. Then only we can lead a peaceful life in Kerala,” said Fr. Shaiju Pariyathusserry, Vicar General of CSSS Cochin, during the Central Cluster meeting. Overall campaign modalities and operational strategies were discussed during the meetings. “We should accept it. Once it is affected, it is too difficult to come out of it. So, awareness generation in an effective way is the major solution to this threat. That is our methodology,” added Fr. Jacob Mavunkal.

Each DSSS presented its highlights under the Sajeevam Campaign. This helped to gather a general idea of the programmes conducted in each cluster. “As with all programmes taken under the leadership of the church, the Sajeevam Campaign was also initiated at the right time. By working together in the right way, we can reach the goal envisioned by the church and Caritas,” said Fr. Paul Koottala, Executive Director, WSSS, Mananthavady. Mr. Abeesh Antony, State Programme Officer, Caritas India, expressed that we have a strong and dedicated network across Kerala, which could be our strength to wipe out this drug disaster.

The open discussions moderated by Mr. Abeesh Antony and Mr. Albin Jose, Sajeevam State Coordinator, helped to draft productive action points to make the campaign more effective and result-oriented. The preparation of the plan up to June 30th was the main focus of this discussion.

“Drug abuse is not just an individual problem. It is a social threat. Thus, our initiative is against a social evil. If we collectively work together, we can make history,” said Mr. Albin Jose. With the effective participation of all the members, key decisions regarding the programmes and activities that are to be conducted by the DSSS were discussed, and a few models were provided to DSSS members. It helped them make a plan in advance and, accordingly, strengthen the campaign.

A pastoral letter about the Sajeevam campaign needs to be sent to each diocese, proposing actions like common campaign brochures and IEC materials, taskforce formation, diocesan core committee formation, summer vacation camps and intensive catechism programmes focus, anti-narcotic week observation, international anti-drug day observation, the preparation of short videos on Sajeevam, engaging youth and students in the evenings by sports or cultural activities, initiating Sajeevam Cyber Fasting, and Sajeevam Sunday observation are some of the action points unanimously taken during the cluster level meetings.

“These types of gatherings are very helpful in formulating good action plans that strengthen the campaign through collective dialogue, drive them forward more efficiently, and lead to the success of the campaign,” expressed Mr. Johnson Sajeevam, Coordinator of Kothamangalam Diocese.

Cluster level planning and orientation meetings were a milestone of Sajeevam, which initiated effective plans and discussions from all the DSSS. The DSSS team returned to their operational spaces with more enthusiasm and excitement to strengthen the campaign.