Addressing Challenges in Agriculture: The Impactful Journey of Mr. Prem Debbarma

In Northeast India, smallholder farmers face numerous challenges, including fragmented land holdings, unstable markets, inadequate agricultural infrastructure, and vulnerability to natural disasters. Caritas India’s FARM program is dedicated to empowering these farmers by providing innovative solutions and support. A compelling example of this effort is the story of Mr. Prem Debbarma, a 39-year-old farmer from Kolaghat village, in West Tripura District of Tripura, whose journey reflects resilience and community empowerment.

In September 2022, Prem, along with 14 members of a Self-Help Group (SHG), participated in a training and exposure visit to the Integrated Village Development Project (IVDP) in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu. This visit was designed to share successful practices and sustainable livelihood opportunities. The SHG members learned about the importance of systematic documentation, regular meetings, and effective management practices that are essential for the success of SHGs.

One of the most impactful innovations introduced during this visit was the Areca leaf plate-making machine. This technology allows farmers to convert fallen areca leaves into eco-friendly plates, providing a sustainable income source while addressing the pressing issue of plastic waste. Mr. Debbarma was inspired by this opportunity and recognized its potential to diversify his income amidst the challenges of fragmented land holdings and limited mechanization.

In December 2023, with the support of Caritas India and the Just Organization (JUST), Prem acquired the Areca leaf plate-making machine. This initiative not only provided him with a new livelihood avenue but also served as a model for other farmers in his community. Caritas India’s support extended beyond just providing the machine; they facilitated connections with suppliers and potential customers, addressing the critical issue of unstable markets that often discourages farmers from exploring new ventures.

Since launching his business, Prem has actively contributed to his community. Between January and July 2024, he provided free training to 32 SHG members and fellow farmers on the Areca leaf plate-making process. His entrepreneurial efforts have generated significant revenue—Rs. 1,02,500 from sales—while also creating a revolving fund for the SHG Federation, which will support future income-generating activities.

The production of Areca leaf plates is not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable. The process is simple: fallen leaves are collected, cleaned, soaked, and moulded into plates without the use of harmful chemicals. This aligns with the “waste to wealth” concept, transforming what would be waste into a valuable product. As Mr. Debbarma noted, “This venture has not only improved my livelihood but has also inspired others in our community to think innovatively about their resources.”

Caritas India’s FARM program addresses critical challenges faced by farmers in the region, including poor agricultural infrastructure and natural calamities. By promoting sustainable practices and providing access to technology, the program helps farmers like Mr. Debbarma build resilience against environmental shocks. For instance, the ability to produce Areca leaf plates provides farmers with an alternative income source during difficult times, ensuring they are not solely reliant on traditional crops.

Mr. Robert Lushai, Coordinator of FARM NE, emphasized the importance of Prem’s initiative: “His willingness to embrace new technologies and share knowledge with others exemplifies the collaborative spirit we strive to cultivate among farmers.”

Prem’s story is a powerful reminder of how targeted interventions can empower smallholder farmers to overcome significant challenges. Through innovation, community support, and strategic partnerships, Caritas India is helping to create a sustainable future for farmers in Northeast India, fostering resilience and economic independence in the face of adversity.