Wisdom of Life

Author Archive of Caritasindia

Millet Popularization event started bearing fruits

Hira Oraon and Lal Dev Tana Bhagat embody the resilience and determination of countless small-holder farmers who have embraced millet cultivation as a means to transform their lives. Their journey of revitalizing millet farming is a testament to the impact of Caritas India's Gram Nirman program, which seeks to foster inclusive socio-economic development for marginalized communities, particularly among Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes. The program

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Tepru Soren’s Journey to Self-Sustaining Livelihoods with U3

The U3 program, driven by its mission to foster self-sustaining climate-resilient and adaptive agriculture and livelihoods through community-owned processes, has been a lifeline for the marginalized and differently-abled, much like Tepru Soren and his family. Tepru Soren resides in the serene village of Lahanda, nestled in the heart of Rampur GP within the Raiganj Block of Uttar Dinajpur District. His family comprises two children, a boy and a girl,

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Peer-to-peer learning can encourage youth into agriculture

In a country where agriculture has been the backbone of communities for generations, a growing concern is now casting its shadow over its future. The younger generation, who once followed in the footsteps of their parents as farmers, are increasingly turning away from agriculture as a viable career choice. This shift poses a significant threat to the food security of the nation, as well as the cultural and economic fabric of rural communities. Jiten

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How twin-track approach promotes disability inclusion

Disability is a cross-cutting issue that affects millions of people around the world, especially in the humanitarian and development sectors. Persons with disabilities often face multiple barriers to accessing basic services, such as health, education, water and sanitation, livelihoods, and social protection. They also face discrimination, stigma, and violence, which can exacerbate their vulnerability and marginalization. To address these challenges,

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Children Observe International Girl Child Day and Global Handwashing Day

Khushaal Bachpan programme celebrated International Girl Child Day on 11th Oct 2023 with great excitement and enthusiasm under the theme 'Invest in Girls' Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being'. The theme underscores the importance of recognizing and supporting the rights and well-being of girls, with a particular focus on their leadership abilities. This special day served as an opportunity for children to learn about their rights and creatively

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Peace-Building interface meet seeks pathways to harmony and conflict resolution

The recent Peace-Building interface meeting held in Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh was a crucial gathering of community, religious leaders, media, and Govt. representatives with a shared goal of fostering harmony and conflict resolution in the region. This landmark event organized by Bareilly Diocese of Social Service (BDSS) Suchetna under the Caritas India Samvad program on 19 October 2023 served as a dynamic platform for social dialogue and strategies

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Celebrating the Fraternity in Humanity- Caritas India Holds National Assembly 2023

Caritas India hosted the bi-annual National Assembly of the Diocesan Directors of the Social Apostolate on October 12-14, 2023, in Pala, Kerala to allow vital deliberation for strengthening our partnerships and building new collaborations. After a long hiatus of 4 years, Caritas India was blessed with an opportunity to meet again, reminisce about the years gone by, and introspect over the new set of perspectives for the church fraternity in India.

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Caritas India shares Culture of Care and Social Dialogue at India Working Group Meeting

The recently concluded India Working Group meeting, hosted by Caritas India, unfolded a vision of unity, fraternity, and social friendship aimed at establishing a new order of peace and justice. This pivotal gathering took place in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, from October 16th to 18th, 2023, bringing together Caritas members organizations from around the world, including Caritas Germany, Misereor, Caritas Australia, Caritas Austria, and CRS. The meeting

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