Wisdom of Life

Author Archive of Caritasindia

Empowering Program Staff for a More Inclusive Tomorrow

In an inspiring demonstration of their commitment to promoting inclusivity and empowerment, the Caritas India Community-Based Rehabilitation program recently conducted a three-day capacity-building workshop for 15 dedicated Programme Extension Associates (PEAs) hailing from the Northeast region. The event, held from September 12 to September 14, 2023, at the NEDSS in Guwahati, aimed to equip these associates with the knowledge and skills necessary

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Saksham effort turns VDC into effective agent of Change

In Dubiha village in Shankergarh Block of Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh, village elders namely, Shri Mohan Lal, Shri Ram Anoop Majhi, Shri Nand Bihari Majhi, Shri Shyamdhar Majhi and Kamlesh Majhi hold a genuine desire for change for their community. Their yearn for change is motivated solely by their empathy for their community than any material outcome. However, these village leaders were weary of raising their voices against the unlawful

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Spearhead Safeguarding Initiative to Protect Vulnerable Individuals at DSSS level

In a concerted effort to prioritize the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals, Caritas India, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Society for Social Development in the Northern Region (SSDNR) Forum have launched a Safeguarding program. Safeguarding, a crucial concept in our society, entails the responsibility of ensuring the well-being of vulnerable people, particularly children and adults who are unable to fend for themselves. Regardless

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Caritas India’s Vision: Expanding Sajeevam Anti-Drug Campaign Beyond Kerala’s Borders

In a state known for its cultural diversity and unique challenges, the Sajeevam Anti-drug Campaign in Kerala stands as a ray of hope and transformation. Caritas India, a driving force behind this initiative, recently organized the state-level semi-annual review and planning meeting on September 5th, 2023, at POC, Palarivattom. This meeting brought together 32 partner organizations, DSSS Directors, and Campaign Officers, making it a pivotal platform

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Beyond farmers markets: FARM empowering women farmers

Farmers markets are gaining popularity. In rural India, these markets are popular among consumers who prefer local food, freshness, quality, and environmental benefits. More number of markets creates additional avenues for farmers to sell their products and enables consumers to conveniently purchase locally sourced food directly from the growers. But mostly, these markets face challenges related to accessibility, the high cost of transportation,

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Empowering Persons with Disabilities for a Brighter Future

In a world where Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) often grapple with unmet needs and are marginalized from decision-making processes within their families and communities, Caritas India has embarked on a radical initiative. This endeavor aims to shift the narrative, viewing PwDs as valuable contributors rather than passive recipients. At the heart of this transformation lies the Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) program, which is driving empowerment

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Transforming School Grounds into Nutritional Havens

India, recognized for its agricultural expertise, is ironically home to the world's second-highest undernourished population. In the Global Hunger Index 2022, India ranked 107th out of 121 countries, highlighting the urgency of addressing malnutrition, especially among children. In response to this critical issue, Caritas India has embarked on a transformative journey to improve the nutritional intake of school children through the establishment

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German delegates visit to India’s mangrove communities

About to turn 75 and retire, Most Rev. Fürst Gebhard wished to transform his interest and love for Indian mangroves into a commitment to the communities. To make this vision a reality, Caritas India successfully hosted His Excellency and delegates of four in their visit for Solidarity from Rottenburg-Stuttgart Diocese, Germany on 1st September 2023. The team visited Dulki village in Gosaba, Sundarban and interacted directly with the communities

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