Bridging Divides, Caritas India’s efforts in fostering harmony, and providing healthcare

Caritas India has been actively involved in promoting peace and harmony in seven districts of western Uttar Pradesh for the past two years. The organization recognizes the importance of fostering understanding and cooperation among communities with diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to prevent any instances of violence or communal strife. To achieve this goal, Caritas India partners have organized various awareness and sensitization programs on peacebuilding. These initiatives aim to educate and engage the communities that have previously experienced conflicts, ensuring that they understand the significance of peace in the overall development of society.

One of the key components of Caritas India’s program is community engagement and stakeholder involvement. The organization forms groups within the communities and provides them with sensitization training.

These efforts are designed to help individuals comprehend the crucial role that peace plays in fostering societal progress. Moreover, Caritas India places significant emphasis on engaging stakeholders.

These stakeholders, which may include community leaders, religious figures, local authorities, and representatives from various organizations, are considered vital to sustaining the program. Their involvement ensures that the initiative continues to receive the support and resources necessary for its long-term success.

The cluster-level meeting aimed to ensure greater outreach, specifically targeting women in the villages who tend to stay within their local communities and may not participate in programs outside their villages. The choice of Rafiapur as the meeting location was strategic because it is centrally located and easily accessible for participants from surrounding villages.
The presence of Fr. Derick, the Director of BDSSC (Bareilly Diocese of Social Service Centre), and his active involvement in the meeting had a significant impact on the participants. Fr. Derick explained the concept of Samvaad (dialogue) in simple language, enabling better understanding and engagement.

The meeting itself was a joyful occasion for the 70-plus participants who engaged in meaningful dialogue about promoting peace and reconciliation in their community and the country. Religious leaders from various faiths, including Shri Danish Hafiz ji, Amarjit Kaur, Shri Parvesh, and Fr. Derick Pinto, shared their views and interacted with the predominantly female participants from nearby villages.

The interactions highlighted a common understanding that no religion promotes violence and hatred; instead, they all emphasize brotherhood, peace, and harmony. Despite practising different religions, the participants recognized themselves as part of one human family. The lack of unity was identified as a key problem, and the participants pledged to work together for unity, embracing the slogan “We are one” and striving to live it in their daily lives.

Overall, the meeting fostered a positive atmosphere and provided a platform for diverse individuals to come together, exchange ideas, and collectively commit to promoting unity, peace, and harmony in their community and beyond.

Under the Samvaad Project, Karuna Social Service Society took the initiative to organize a free health camp in the village of Rajpur Nevada. The medical camp was held with the objective of providing healthcare services to the local community and promoting overall development and well-being. The medical camp was led by Dr. Father Jose Padyatti and Dr. Faisal from St. Mary’s Hospital, who provided medical treatment and examination to the patients. Over 175 patients were attended to during the camp, and they were also provided with the necessary medication for their ailment. The program also had the support of dedicated nurses and pharmacists, namely Sr. Anseena, Sr. Celine, and Sr. Glodia, who contributed their services to ensure the smooth running of the camp. The inauguration of the medical camp was graced by the presence of Father George and Father Benny. Dr. Jose Padyatti, a renowned medical specialist, delivered an introductory lecture highlighting the significance of water, cleanliness, and hygiene. He emphasized how these factors contribute not only to physical health but also to mental peace and social development. Father George stressed the importance of cultivating cleanliness habits among the community, recognizing its positive impact on society. Amber Raza, the project coordinator, conveyed a message of peace and goodwill for the overall development of society.

She emphasized the importance of collective efforts in building a harmonious and prosperous society. This medical camp not only provided much-needed healthcare services to the people of Rajpur Nevada but also offered an opportunity to promote peace, goodwill, and prosperity. The entire team, including healthcare workers and volunteers, worked tirelessly to organize and execute the camp successfully. The primary aim was to extend healthcare services to the people of Rajpur Nevada and provide assistance to various sections of society.
Under the guidance of Father George and Father Benny, this initiative also served as a platform to raise awareness among the people about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene for community development. By addressing both medical needs and promoting hygiene practices, the program aimed to contribute to the overall well-being and progress of the community.