Building a culture of SAFEguarding

In the recently concluded Safeguarding Training, held in Delhi on the 19th and 20th April 2022 for the five Regional Fora of Central India, Fr. Paul the Executive Director, of Caritas India, in his opening remarks emphasized the need to understand the concept and essence of Safeguarding, processes and nuances.  He encouraged Regional Fora to develop a safeguarding Policy and clearly defined plan for putting the policy into practice. He reiterated the relevance and need of Safeguarding policy for our organisation and said that it is the need of the hour, and that everyone has a role to play in this journey with the director taking the lead in policy development initiatives and staff and local partners supporting in the roll out.

Fr. Jolly, the Assistant Executive Director informed that this initiative is not a project but an effort to contribute in changing our perspective, attitude, behaviour and way of life, with a lens of human dignity from the point of view of Church teaching, engaging in the social pastoral ministry. While supporting and providing services, withholding the sanctity of life based on the VISION and Mission of the church is paramount. This initiative is to orient and train ourselves so that we respect and value members of all our stakeholders. Our Role is to inculcate the culture of ensuring that every human person live a dignified live. It is becoming an awakening call for all actors across the world. Let us be a change agent to make our organisation a safe place to work.

Incidences of abuse, neglect and violence are widespread and remain a harsh reality for millions of people. Social work is not untouched by this reality especially organisations dealing with the Communities. It is pertinent to have a robust safeguarding policy that is well prepared, understood by all concerned and ensures enforcement, referral, and reporting systems in the organisation structure and system. It is a non-negotiable instrument by the Church across the world.

Caritas India and Catholic Relief Service, India jointly initiated the SAfety For Everyone (SAFE) programme in collaboration with the Fourteen Regional Fora across the country to develop a common understanding of safeguarding concepts and work towards making their Organisation safe and conducive environment. It envisages building a culture of safeguarding from all forms of harassment, exploitation, and abuse. It focuses on prevention, identification, reporting, and redress processes to keep children and vulnerable adults within and outside the RF/ DSSS safe especially those at risk.

The Regional Bishops’ Conference has given the mandate to Regional Fora to strengthen the works of Diocesan Social Service Societies (DSSSs) in the region by providing coordination, facilitation, training and documentation support for the development initiatives in the dioceses. Caritas India and CRS initiated the SAFE programme so every Regional Fora have a clear understanding of safeguarding and develop their Safeguarding Policy and roll out and help Local partners to do the same.

The program will promote safeguarding as a culture of vigilance supported by a culture of diligence (safer staff recruitment), a culture of quality (teaching and learning), a culture of respect (equality and diversity), and a culture of safety (health and safety).

The programme was launched in January 2022 and three cluster level Trainings on Safeguarding were envisaged.  So far, two cluster level Safeguarding Training programme for nine Regional Fora have been organised, wherein 30 persons (Regional Fora Directors and staff including Caritas India Zonal / State Lead and Associates) have participated.

The first cluster level Safeguarding Training Programme was held on 14th -15th April 2022 in Guwahati, for four Regional Fora, of Northeast, West Bengal, (ABCD), Jharkhand (SIGN) and Odisha (OROSA). The second cluster Safeguarding training for the Regional Fora of Delhi NCR, Agra Region (UKSVK), Bihar Region, M.P Region and Western Region (WRSSF) on 21st and 22nd April 2022. The third cluster for southern Regional Fora, is being planned in May 2022 in Hyderabad.

The outcomes of the past two cluster trainings include the following;

  • Better clarity on the safeguarding concept
  • Acquired knowledge (& skill) on creating a conducive environment within the organisation
  • Developed a concrete plan of action for 2022