Call to “To give Life and Life in abundance” at Orientation Program of new diocesan directors of Social Apostolate

For the second time running, the Orientation Programme of New Diocesan Directors of Social Apostolate was held virtually. The program was held over a period of 4 days from 10th – 13th August 2021 over a series of half-day sessions attended online by the participants.

In the opening message, Fr (Dr) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director, Caritas India began by stressing on the special call and the mandate given to all priests as members of the Social Apostolate of the Diocese as reflected in Gospel of St John Chapter 10:10 “To give Life and Life in abundance”. In that backdrop, he elaborated on five guiding principles to be borne while administering the social ministry – to be spiritually oriented, have a humanistic bent of mind, to undertake courageous innovation, be professional in one’s approach, lastly and most importantly, to be accountable for one’s actions to own self, donors, and community.

His Grace, Archbishop Sebastian Kallapura, Chairperson, Caritas India also graced the occasion, in his inaugural message to the new diocesan directors echoed the clarion call given to the Social Apostolate to closely identify with the poor and needy and to commit oneself to their needs.  His Grace, Archbishop Sebastian elucidated on the importance of adopting a patient approach and living a lifestyle modeled on the love for the poor (often promoted by His Holiness Pope Francis) while working in the social sector. He concluded by cautioning against seven sins that we may commit being in this field as social development directors in the words of Gandhi ji, “Wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice and politics without principles”.

Day 1 focussed on Caritas India’s strategy plan, policies of CI including FCRA amendments that partner organizations need to be well-aware of for better program collaboration on desired standards and practices particularly in the present development scenario. A dedicated session on the Fundamental & Supplementary Principles of Catholic Social Teachings was taken by Fr (Dr) Jolly, Assistant Executive Director. The teachings are a concrete expression of the Church’s role for a new social order and of human progress and the session truly served as a course in self – introspection.

Day 2 focussed on the four Key Strategically Pillars of the Caritas India Strategy Plan and its mainstreaming in programs while also exploring points of engagement for Partner Organizations in its implementation. Days 3 – 4 dealt with critical aspects of Financial and HR Management. The financial session this year concentrated on the recent FCRA amendments and the implication on Program Budgeting.

The open feedback session on a concluding day saw the participants sharing their positive experiences and suggestions for enhancing their learning particularly in the new virtual mode of learning. Fr Paul joined by Fr Sushil, Administrator, Caritas India congratulated all present on their recent appointments and wished them a meaningful and fruitful tenure as they embarked on their new journey and took mantle at the helm as diocesan directors of the social apostolate.