Caritas Asia Regional Caritas Directors met in Bangkok from 6-10 of June 2016 to reflect on various issues and for Annual General Body Meeting. The gathering of the 23 member Caritas Directors together with members of the European Supporting Caritas members making it a total of 94 members began their reflection on ‘Laudato Si’ an Encyclical of Pope Francis.

The participants discussed different implications for their apostolate in the service of their poor and the marginalised. The gathering was particularly concerned about the negative consequences of the Climate Change on the marginal and small holder farmers.

The members studied in detail the socio-economic, and political analysis of the Central Asia. The SWOT analysis was done to study the Central Asia Regional members and their organisations they are heading. The members used various means to analyse their situation through videos, presentations, and exhibitions. The other member organisations of Caritas Asia offered suggestions and support.

The Caritas Asia members spent time on business sessions to sharpen the Regional Strategic Plans. The presence of Cardinal Tagle, the president and Michel Roy, the Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis brought in a lot of motivation and inspiration to the members.