Caritas Asia Strengthens Communication and Advocacy Efforts at Regional Committee Meeting in Bangkok

The Regional Communication and Advocacy Committee Members Meeting of Caritas Asia convened in Bangkok on August 28-29, 2024, with the primary objective of enhancing the communication and advocacy capacities of Caritas Member Organizations (MOs) across Asia. This meeting aimed to solidify the establishment of the regional committee, which is vital for promoting effective communication and advocacy strategies within the Caritas network.

During the first day of the meeting, Dr. Benedict Alo D’Rozario, the President of Caritas Asia, participated as an observer and informed attendees that the term of this newly established committee would last until June 2027, after which it would be subject to revision. He announced that the draft Terms of Reference (ToR) would be presented to the Regional Commission for necessary action. Dr. Benedict emphasized the importance of evolving beyond a shy attitude in communication, stating that as Catholics, the principle of “what one hand does the other should not know” must change. He urged that communication should flow in every direction—not merely for publicizing work but to build friendships, garner support, and foster relationships that encourage people to come forward and support Caritas. He highlighted the need for individuals who understand communication and the development of a communication strategy to enhance focus and attract more resources, thereby widening support and reach.

The meeting aimed to produce two key outputs: a final draft of the Terms of Reference outlining the roles and responsibilities of committee members, and a concrete work plan for 2024-2027 to guide the committee’s initiatives over the next three years. The leadership team comprises Chairperson Mr. Kim Rattana from Caritas Cambodia and Co-Chair Ms. Maribel Bombeo from Caritas Taiwan, along with representatives from various Caritas organizations, including Mr. Duk Porheng from Caritas Cambodia, Mr. Sumon Corraya from Caritas Bangladesh, Ms. Marina Osmonalieva from Caritas Kyrgyzstan, and Mr. Patrick Hansda from Caritas India.

Following Dr. Benedict’s remarks, Mr. Patrick Hansda provided an overview of the draft ToR to the larger team for understanding and feedback aimed at improving the document. The draft, prepared collaboratively by members including Ms. Jing Henderson, Ms. Marina Osmonalieva, and Mr. Patrick Hansda, outlines the background, purpose, objectives, scope of work, membership, roles and responsibilities, meetings, reporting, duration, and amendment provisions of the committee. The team reflected on the draft and worked collaboratively to enhance it by concretizing the scope and objectives. Later, they prepared a draft action plan for the committee, setting the stage for impactful communication and advocacy efforts in the coming years.

The establishment of the Regional Communication and Advocacy Committee is pivotal for strengthening communication strategies, advocating for social justice, and empowering member organizations through training and resources. This meeting represents a significant step forward for Caritas Asia, laying the groundwork for enhanced communication and advocacy efforts that will support marginalized communities across the region and foster a unified voice within the Caritas network.

As the committee moves forward, it aims to implement the finalized ToR and action plan, focusing on effective communication strategies that resonate with local communities and stakeholders. By fostering collaboration and resource-sharing among member organizations, Caritas Asia seeks to amplify its impact and ensure that the voices of the marginalized are heard and supported. This proactive approach will not only enhance the visibility of Caritas initiatives but also strengthen relationships within the network, ultimately driving positive change across the region.