Caritas India and Roop VK Jain Foundation join forces to support people with special needs

Caritas India and Roop VK Jain Foundation, a CSR unit of one of the largest OEM suppliers of auto components Roop Automotives Pvt. Ltd. announced the launch of the new Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) project. This is the first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project of CBR program which will support 450 persons with disabilities covering 12 villages from 9 panchayats in Nuh Block of Haryana.

Caritas India has been working in the field of disability rehabilitation for many years, and this CSR-supported project is a significant milestone in its efforts to empower and include persons with disabilities. The NGO has a dedicated team of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers who will be responsible for implementing the project.

“CBR is a strategy within general community development for the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities and social inclusion of all people with disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities themselves, their families, organizations and communities, and the relevant governmental and non-governmental health, education, vocational, social, and other services” WHO, ILO and UNESCO.

The CBR team has been working closely with the community to identify persons with disabilities and assess their needs. The team will also work with the community to raise awareness about disability rights and to promote inclusive attitudes towards persons with disabilities.

Mr. Rajkumar Makkad, State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Haryana graced the event with his presence and praised the work of Caritas India in empowering and including persons with disabilities in Nuh district of Haryana. He also highlighted the various provisions under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, including 4% reservation in government jobs and 5% reservation in all poverty alleviation schemes. He urged the participants to make use of these provisions of the Act for the benefit of Persons with Disabilities. He assured to address the issues at the special state judicial court for persons with disabilities at state level. In his concluding remarks he promised all possible support and cooperation in his capacity as the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.

The Director of Roop Automotives Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Gaurav Jain, expressed his foundation’s interest in working for the upliftment and empowerment of persons with disabilities. He shared his past experince working with Caritas India and happy to continue the collaboration and reach to many more persons with disabilities through the Community Based Rehabilitation approach. He also opined that it is the duty of every citizen to contribute for the development of Persons with Disabilities.
The Administrator of Caritas India, Fr. Sushil Modi, thanked Mr. Jain for his collaboration and expressed the NGO’s commitment to creating a community that values and supports the dialogue and well-being of persons with disabilities. He said Caritas India is determined to create a community that values and supports the dialogue and wellbeing of persons with disabilities.

The lauch was attended by Sh. Raj Kumar Makkad, Commissioner, Divyangjan, State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Haryana; Dr. Gulshan Chawla, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, and the Chairman of District Disability Board, Nuh; Mr. Subhash Bhardwaj, Committee Member, State Disability Advisory Committee, Haryana; Mr. Govindram, Asst. Deputy Commissioner, Nuh District, Haryana; Mr. Surender, Deputy Superintendent of Policy ( DSP); Mr. Sokin Kotala, Member, District Disability Committee (DDC), Nuh District; Mr. Paramjeet Chahal, District Education Officer (DEO); Mr. Abdul Majid, Block Education Officer (BEO), Education Dept.; Mr. Ashok Rathi, Assistant of Information of Public Relation Officer (AIPRO), District Public Relation Officer, (DPRO); Ms. Sapana Gandhi, Principal Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Kanwersika, Education department; Mr. Vajid Ali, Secretary, Red Cross Society; Mr. Mukesh, from District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO); Mr. Gaurav Jain, Director, Roop Automotives Ltd.; Mr. Akash Shukla, Manager – CSR, Roop Automotives Ltd.; Mr. Parveen, Manager-Roop Automotives Ltd.; Mr. Arvind Kumar Chourasia, General Manager, Roop Automotives Ltd.; Fr. Irudaya Kumar, Manager, Mariya Manzil School; and Ms. Meena Thakur, Social Worker.

This CSR-supported project is an excellent example of how the private sector can work with NGOs to create meaningful change in society. By leveraging their resources and expertise, companies can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need. It is heartening to see that more and more companies are recognizing the importance of CSR and are taking steps to support social causes.

Caritas India and Roop VK Jain Foundation’s joint venture is a promising step towards creating a more inclusive and accessible society for all. The project will undoubtedly make a significant difference in the lives of persons with disabilities in Nuh district of Haryana, and it is hoped that it will serve as a model for similar initiatives in the future.