Caritas India Enhances Staff Development Through Annual Training

In an era where the challenges faced by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are increasingly complex, Caritas India has reaffirmed its commitment to staff development through its Annual Staff Training (AST). Held from August 6 to 8, 2024, at the Don Bosco Specialized Training Centre in Okhla, New Delhi, this year’s training brought together 68 team members from across the country to focus on the theme “Strengthening Bonds: Building Excellence.”

The AST serves as a vital opportunity for Caritas India to reflect on recent challenges and enhance institutional systems while fostering cohesion among staff members. The training aims to create an environment of collective learning and growth, essential for navigating the contemporary landscape of NGO work.

Father Jolly, Assistant Director of Caritas India, delivered the keynote address, emphasizing the organization’s response to the recent challenges. He mentioned about the core values of Caritas India and stressed on the importance of a balanced and inclusive approach to bring about holistic societal change, setting the tone for the discussions that followed. Additionally, there was an emphasis on decentralizing authority, enhancing internal controls, and revising HR policies.

The training sessions were designed to tackle pressing issues faced by the organization, including safeguarding guidelines and the development of a comprehensive rebuilding plan. Participants engaged in discussions about formulating an institutional recovery plan, strengthening operational protocols, and establishing subcommittees for HR, finance, and program departments.

A critical aspect of the training was improving communication with donors to secure renewed funding. This included revamping institutional strategies, promoting Caritas parishes, enhancing the Lenten campaign, and strengthening partnerships with dioceses and local leaders.
The first day commenced with a team-building session led by Mr. Khushal Neogy from Catholic Relief Services. This session focused on fostering collaboration and improving team dynamics, emphasizing synchronization, clear direction, and effective communication as key elements in achieving organizational goals.

Ms. Babita Pinto, Head of Programs, presented an effective Program Management framework, highlighting the need for a synchronized approach between different thematic verticals. The team discussed minimizing discrepancies, adhering to due diligence, and improving program quality, ensuring that Caritas India’s initiatives are impactful and efficient.

Dr. Jaison Varghese, Lead of Resource Mobilization, shared insights into securing and managing essential resources, including financial, human, and technological assets. Dr. V.R. Haridas, Thematic lead – Climate Justice and CIDAL complemented the session by explaining the importance of ‘ASK’ in the resource mobilisation and shared about CIDAL. The role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in generating funding was also discussed, with Ms. Sangita, Program Associate – Mainstreaming outlined various CSR acts and regulations relevant to the organization. Mr. Patrick Hansda, Lead – Public Relations and Communications shared digital media and online donation role in raising funds. He further raised a discussion among the staff to identify organisational systems needed for building a sound resource mobilisation initiative. The team was engaged in doing SWOT analysis to build a better understanding of the topic.

The second day featured a motivational session by Fr. M.A. Johnson from the Agra Diocese, who emphasized the importance of self-motivation and group motivation among peers. He discussed four aspects of self-improvement, encouraging participants to embrace a growth mindset. The session emphasised the importance of emotions, feelings and mood for motivation and explained 4 aspects of self-improvement. He emphasised on ‘Repeat what we don’t Repair’ aspect essential for growth.

Financial management sessions were led by Mr. Bobby Koshy, Lead – Administrative Finance and Ms. Jancy Mathew, Lead – Program Finance, who addressed GST, TDS, and the intricacies of financial processes in program management. These discussions were crucial for enhancing the accuracy and timeliness of financial operations.

Ms. Neha Kumari, Associate – Procurement and team led the session on Procurement Policy and framework of the Procurement process. The session was helpful in clearing many questions and emphasised the area where the staff needed to work, and the activity conducted provided clarity with the process and different bills included in the procurement of the items.

On the third day, a collective organizational understanding was built on contemporary policies and procedures. Mr. Joseph Mathew, Lead – Khushaal Bachpan conducted an orientation on Caritas India’s Conflict of Interest policy. Participants raised programmatic challenges, seeking clarity on various aspects of the policy, which underscored the importance of transparency and ethical practices in NGO operations.
Ms. Sunita Ashwin, Lead of Human Resources, provided insights into the organization’s HR policies, covering recruitment, onboarding, training, and staff remuneration. The session aimed to ensure that all team members are aware of the policies that govern their roles and responsibilities.

A crucial session on safeguarding, POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment), and Child Protection Policy was conducted by Ms. Sween Sharma, Program Associate and Child Protection Specialist. This session not only covered the core principles of these policies but also emphasized their practical application in participants’ respective roles, ensuring that staff are equipped to uphold these vital standards.

Towards the end of the final day, Caritas India took a moment to honour five senior staff members who have dedicated over 25 years of service to the organization. Mr. Raphael Raju, Ms. Gracy Boni, Mr. Pramod Kumar Sharma, Mr. Phoolchand, and Dr. Haridas V.R. were each presented with Caritas India shawls as tokens of appreciation for their unwavering commitment and contributions over the years.

As the AST concluded, the collective enthusiasm and commitment of the staff were palpable. The training not only equipped team members with essential skills and knowledge but also reinforced the importance of collaboration, ethical practices, and a shared vision for the future.

Caritas India’s dedication to staff development reflects a broader understanding that in order to effectively serve communities and address pressing social issues, NGOs must invest in their most valuable asset—their people. As the organization moves forward, the insights gained from this training will undoubtedly enhance its capacity to respond to contemporary challenges, ensuring that it remains a beacon of hope and support for those in need.