Caritas India presented an inclusive community-based response to COVID-19 health emergency at the 5th Asia Pacific CBID Congress

Caritas India team at the 5th Asia Pacific Community-Based Inclusive Development (APCBID) Congress in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, presented its COVID-19 model for promoting social well-being and protection for persons with disabilities.

The key theme of the Congress was Strengthening Social and Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic through Community-Based Inclusive Development (CBID). The AP-CBID Congress is organized every four years to share their voice, culminate best practices, document innovations, forge new directions, construct strategic alliances, and formulate innovative disability-related services.

The 5th Congress was co-hosted by the Royal Government of Cambodia and the CBID/CBR Asia Pacific Network in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from March 15–17, 2023. There were 350 participants from 22 countries in this Asia Pacific Regional Congress. The Prime Minister of Cambodia inaugurated the Congress and wished a meaningful deliberation on various topics and all participants good health and a comfortable stay in his country. In all, there were four plenary sessions, five parallel sessions, and one poster presentation session.

During the poster presentation session, the Caritas India Community-Based Rehabilitation program shared how social well-being and protection for persons with disabilities were promoted during COVID-19. Representing Caritas India, Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Asst. Executive Director, Caritas India, Mr. Tominic George, Programme Lead, CICBR and Mr. K Kempaiah, Impact Lead (Consultant), CI CBR interacted with the participants and explained the challenges, methodology, and positive outcomes. Several participants approached to learn about and discuss the work as explained on the poster during this 30-minute session.

The team shared how COVID-19 affected the lives of people disproportionally, especially persons with disabilities, in terms of their vulnerability, reach, access, physical and health conditions, and livelihood. Caritas India took immediate steps to reach out to persons with disabilities, their families, and the communities by taking several steps promoting social protection and well-being. A fervent effort was made to sensitize persons with disabilities and their community on preventive measures, extend relief, provide livelihood support, and ensure vaccinations.

The timely interventions through the CBR program resulted in a reduction of infections and deaths among persons with disabilities and their families due to COVID-19. Caritas India CBR has facilitated ensuring the food security of the target population through special and regular government schemes. The livelihood was also given impetus through new economic activities.

Caritas India has been implementing Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programs in India since 1996. Currently, its presence is in 17 out of the 28 states in the country, reaching out to about 73,000 persons with disabilities and their families and communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic showed the need for an inclusive emergency response. The Caritas India team urges that governments and organizations need to be better prepared in case of another emergency. There is a need to promote resilient communities to face any such emergency situations in the future.

The Congress concluded with a nine-point declaration stressing promoting the rights of persons with disabilities as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and mainstreaming the disability agenda in all the developmental initiatives across the region.

The next CBID Congress will be held in Nepal as per the unanimous resolution passed in the 5th CBID Congress on March 17, 2023.