Caritas India protects migrant workers with free health insurance

Caritas India has been actively involved in providing crucial interventions and support to migrant workers across India. Recognizing the challenges faced by this vulnerable population, Caritas India has implemented various initiatives to address their needs. Several skill development programs and vocational training for migrant workers were organized to empower them to enhance their employability and income generation. Furthermore, the organization has focused on creating awareness about the rights of migrant workers, advocating for fair labour practices, and fostering social integration. Through collaboration with local communities, government agencies, and other stakeholders, Caritas India continues to make a significant impact in improving the lives of migrant workers, promoting their well-being, and ensuring their dignity and rights are protected.

Recognizing the importance of safeguarding of migrant workers, Caritas India with the support of CHARIS, Singapore provided accessible healthcare services, including COVID-19 screening, treatment, and vaccination, to the migrant population in Kerala. Caritas India also issued health insurance to reduce health risks and financial burdens. Through these interventions, a significant improvement can be seen in the health of migrant workers in Kerala, mitigating the risks associated with the pandemic, and promoting their overall well-being.

In the post-COVID context in Kerala, the implementation of a health insurance program for migrant workers by Caritas India holds immense importance. It helps them to access healthcare services without the worry of exorbitant medical expenses. This program covers medical consultations, hospitalization costs, medications, and other necessary treatments. It promotes equitable healthcare access and helps address the disparities faced by migrant workers, ensuring that they receive adequate healthcare support irrespective of their socio-economic background. Ultimately, the implementation of a health insurance program for migrant workers by Caritas India would play a pivotal role in safeguarding their health, enhancing their quality of life, and fostering a more inclusive and resilient society in Kerala.

In order to hand over the health insurance schemes to the migrant, a public event was organized on June 26, 2023, at Chiyyaram, Thrissur. Santhwanam, the social development wing of Thrissur Archdiocese facilitated the health insurance handing over ceremony, where Corporation Division Councillors, Ward Members participated to ensure their wholehearted support to the programme of Caritas India.

The hosting partner Director Fr. Joy Mookken welcomed and Fr. Dr. Jose Vattakuzhy Associate Director, Santhwanam presided over the function. “The health insurance program by Caritas India is a transformative intervention for migrant workers in Kerala. It not only addresses their immediate healthcare needs but also breaks down barriers to equitable healthcare access. By providing comprehensive coverage, it enables migrant workers to seek timely medical assistance, ensuring their health security and contributing to their overall socio-economic development,” said Fr. Dr. Jose Vattakuzhy in his presidential address. interaction with the migrants.

“Aditi Devo Bhava, the philosophy that guests are like gods, resonates deeply with Caritas India’s approach towards migrant workers. We firmly believe that migrant workers, with their hard work, resilience, and contributions to society, deserve the utmost respect and care. By implementing this health insurance program, we uphold the value of migrant workers and recognize their pivotal role in the development of our communities. It is our duty to ensure their well-being and security, just as we would for any revered guest. Through this program, we strive to secure the lives of migrant workers, honoring their dignity and fostering a society that truly embraces inclusivity and compassion,” said Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas India during the health insurance handing ceremony at Kerala.

“Caritas India’s health insurance program for migrant workers is a testament to the organization’s commitment to social justice and inclusivity. By bridging the gap in healthcare access, this initiative empowers migrant workers, protects their rights, and fosters a more compassionate society. It sets a remarkable precedent for addressing the healthcare disparities faced by vulnerable populations and serves as a model for positive change” said by Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely during his inaugural speech. He officially inaugurated the program by handing over health insurance cards to the migrant workers. He further interacted with the migrant communities from Jharkhand, Odisha & West Bengal and explained about the journey of Caritas India specifically saving the lives of migrant workers across the nation. During the interaction Fr. Paul attentively listened to the real stories and problems shared by the migrants, creating a safe space for their voices to be heard. Through this empathetic engagement Fr. Paul provided consolation and hope, instilling a sense of reassurance and renewed optimism among the migrants.

Ms. Limna Manoj, the Division Councillor, Thrissur appreciated the services done by Caritas India specially to the state of Kerala stating that “this scheme aimed at the safety of the migrant workers’ lives is not a simple thing, but it is a matter of instilling great hopes and expectations and affirming the right to live with more confidence.”
The family insurance cards were distributed to 125 migrants in the Thrissur district. Ward Members, Community work contractors participated to express their support and solidarity and delivered their felicitations for the program. Mr. Shaju Albert, Community Work Contractor told that “the implementation of the health insurance program for migrant workers marks a significant step towards ensuring their well-being and dignity. This initiative will provide them with the much-needed financial security and access to quality healthcare, ultimately empowering them to lead healthier and more prosperous lives.”

An orientation session was organized to explain the insurance scheme and its legal procedures and process to the migrant communities. The session was led by Mr. Nixon Mathew, State Finance Officer, Kerala. The program concluded by proposing a vote thanks by Mr. Nelson C.T, Project Officer, Santhwnam, Thrissur. The post-COVID health insurance program for migrant workers in Kerala marks a significant step in ensuring their well-being and protection during these challenging times. This initiative exemplifies the spirit of compassion and solidarity, providing much-needed support to those who have been most affected by the pandemic. With Caritas India’s commitment to serving vulnerable communities, it is evident that their efforts will continue to have a positive impact on the lives of migrant workers in Kerala and beyond.

The health insurance will provide financial security by covering the costs related to treatment, hospitalization, free health check-up, and pre-and post-hospitalization expenses. Apart from Kerala, these health insurances are being given to the migrant workers of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.