Caritas India’s Community-Based Rehabilitation Program Empowers People with Disabilities

In a tragic accident that changed her life forever, Kavita (name changed), a resilient and determined woman, lost both her legs. As she navigated the emotional rollercoaster of grief, anger, and frustration, she found solace and support through Caritas India’s Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) program. With their assistance, Kavita not only regained her mobility but also rediscovered her confidence and independence.

The physical abilities she once took for granted were now distant memories, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. However, amidst the darkness, Kavita found a glimmer of hope.

Caritas India’s CBR program, a community-driven initiative that aims to support people with disabilities, became Kavita’s guiding light. The program recognizes the importance of treating individuals as “persons with disabilities,” emphasizing their inherent dignity and worth. It focuses on enabling and empowering them to live fulfilling lives, breaking down barriers, and fostering inclusivity in society.

Community-Based Rehabilitation as a strategy is defined within general community development for the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, poverty reduction and social inclusion of all people with disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities themselves, their families, organizations and communities, and the relevant governmental and non-governmental health, education, vocational, social, and other services.

Community-Based Rehabilitation, as implemented by Caritas India, is a holistic approach that aims to address the multifaceted challenges faced by people with disabilities. It encompasses health, education, livelihood, social, and empowerment. By engaging with local communities and empowering individuals with disabilities, the program seeks to create an inclusive society that values and respects the rights of all its members.

Studies indicate that around 20% of persons with disabilities require health-specific rehabilitation interventions. Under the health domain, the CBR reached out to around 20,257 children and adults with disabilities last year. A few highlights of the results achieved during 2022-23 are given below:

Through the CBR program, Caritas India also recognized the importance of employment in fostering independence and self-sufficiency for people with disabilities. Kavita was assisted in finding a job that aligned with her skills and capabilities, ensuring she could lead a fulfilling and financially stable life. This newfound independence not only boosted her self-esteem but also shattered societal stereotypes about the capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Caritas India’s efforts in supporting people with disabilities extend beyond providing artificial limbs and employment opportunities. They strive to ensure that every person with a disability is treated with dignity and respect, breaking down barriers that hinder their full participation in society. Through advocacy and awareness campaigns, Caritas India works towards changing mindsets and fostering an inclusive environment for all.