Caritas India’s Lifeline Wayanad: Delivering Timely Relief and Restoring Hope

In the face of the devastating landslides that struck Wayanad, Kerala, on August 13, 2024, Caritas India sprang into action with the support of the START Network, providing critical relief to the affected communities. Over the course of 45 days, the project successfully concluded on September 24, delivering essential support to families who lost their homes and livelihoods due to the disaster. The landslides caused widespread destruction, resulting in the loss of lives, displacement of families, and damage to homes, property, and agricultural lands across several villages. By partnering with local organizations, the project aimed to alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable populations through timely interventions and vital relief support during this critical period.

The project provided three essential forms of assistance to 525 households in the hardest-hit areas, focusing on Multipurpose Cash Transfers (MCT), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) Kits, and Non-Food Item (NFI) Kits. These initiatives were designed to help families recover from the devastation caused by the landslides. Each household received a cash transfer of Rs. 9,500, empowering them to address immediate needs such as purchasing food, medicine, and other critical supplies. The official launch of the Multipurpose Cash Transfer distribution was inaugurated by Shri. O.R. Kelu, Kerala’s Minister for Welfare of SC, ST & OBC, on September 13, 2024. He praised Caritas India and the Catholic Church for setting a strong example in disaster relief efforts, emphasizing that the cash support would offer much-needed relief by allowing families to meet various urgent needs.

In addition to cash transfers, WaSH Kits were distributed, each containing ten essential hygiene items including bathing and washing soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and sanitary pads. These kits were crucial in promoting hygiene and preventing potential disease outbreaks in the aftermath of the disaster. Furthermore, NFI Kits were provided, supplying families with basic household necessities such as beds with pillows, mosquito nets, solar torches, and a complete kitchen set that included plates, utensils, a cooker, and buckets. These items aimed to help affected households regain a sense of normalcy and stability as they rebuilt their lives post-disaster.

The selection of beneficiaries for this relief was carried out through a transparent community-driven process. Beneficiary Selection Committees were established and open gatherings were held where the project’s goals and target populations were discussed. Community volunteers visited relief camps to assess the needs of displaced families while adhering to strict selection criteria. The final list of beneficiaries was verified through committee meetings to ensure that the most vulnerable households received the assistance they urgently needed.

The distribution process was designed to be participant-friendly, with particular attention given to reducing wait times. Vulnerable groups—including pregnant and lactating mothers, persons with disabilities, and the elderly—were given priority to ensure they received their kits promptly. At each distribution site, participant lists were displayed for transparency, and complaint and feedback boxes were available to encourage beneficiaries to share their concerns or suggestions. This approach helped maintain accountability and improve the overall distribution experience.

In keeping with the project’s commitment to environmental sustainability, steps were taken to reduce plastic use throughout the distribution process by favoring reusable materials wherever possible. After each distribution event, evaluation meetings were held with partners to review processes, identify best practices, and make any necessary improvements. These evaluations ensured that each subsequent distribution was conducted more efficiently while contributing to the overall success of the WaSH and NFI distribution programs.

“As a volunteer who has supported various relief and response programs with different NGOs and like-minded organizations, I can confidently say that the quality of items provided by Caritas India is exceptional,” said Mr. Shamseer, a community volunteer. “These kits not only meet high standards of usefulness but also stand out compared to others I have seen.”

Through the START Network Emergency Support Project, Caritas India and its partners have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to supporting disaster-affected communities by providing essential relief and helping families rebuild their lives in the wake of tragedy. The project’s success is a testament to collaboration, community engagement, and a steadfast dedication to serving those in need.