Catholic Church in Shillong reaches out to the Covid-19 lockdown affected people

Since the lockdown, everyday Fr. Bernard Laloo, Director, Social Service Centre (SSC), Shillong stacks his jeep with the basic essential items and makes his headway to serve the needy in the far-flung villages.

He is one among many to get the pass for movements even during curfew to reach out to the people who are distressed and have lost their livelihood due to lockdown.

SSC is working in East Khasi Hills and Rib Hoi Districts of Meghalaya to support thousands of people with dry ration, masks and cooked food to fight coronavirus in these difficult times.

The impoverished people of East Khasi Hills and Rib Hoi Districts in my state have been pushed to the depths of poverty and hunger and face a near-starvation situation due to loss of livelihoods. Due to movement restrictions, the available reserves of the poor are depleted, and they are left at the mercy of other people”, shared Fr. Bernard. He contacts every village head man of his Archdiocese to get the situation update and provide necessary support on regular intervals.

Plustar Kurbah, a differently-abled person with a family from Wahramkhar village in East Khasi Hills shared as to how SSC helped them when they were on the verge of starvation. He shared his ordeal that a few years back their life was shattered in a fire that destroyed everything even his important documents. Since then his wife used to work as domestic help in Shillong to run the house. The lockdown has crippled the livelihood and they could manage a few days with the support of neighbourhood but sooner that support also started depleting.

SSC took stock of the situation and provided immediate food support to the family with one week’s ration. The centre is regularly following up with the family and assured them for more food support in the days to come.

Caritas India through its COVID Response supported SSC in extending relief aid in the area. The support was extended to the socio-economically vulnerable families with food, masks, and psychosocial assistance. SSC has supported 2602 families in this COVID-19 lockdown with humanitarian aid.

People of his region are supporting Fr. Bernard in this noble initiative with food, cash, and essential items. He invites support of the people through his WhatsApp status where he updates his relief involvement and people with goodwill come to him with their solidarity. Through this initiative Fr Bernard has mobilized more than Rupees Sixty Thousand from the members of the public which he is utilizing by providing food and essential aid to the affected. With this amount, he expects to reach out to at least 80 families.

He also supported 55 on-duty police & security personnel stationed at different locations in Shillong city with cooked food packets utilising the amount received out of WhatsApp status. The Police and District Administration appreciate his yeoman ship for serving the poor.

We reached out to a few but many are still looking for our support” says Fr Bernard inviting people’s support in extending generous contribution for the people of God.