Celebrating the diamond year of Caritas India

The 60 years have passed but Caritas India is as new and invigorating with every year. Karnataka Regional Organization for Social Service (KROSS) and Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society (SMSSS) came together at Sannidhi, Centre for Pastoral Renewal, Shivamogga on 10th December 2022 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Caritas India.

The celebration started with a thanksgiving holy eucharist celebrated by main celebrants Most Rev. Francis Serrao SJ, Chairman of KROSS, Bengaluru and Bishop of Diocese of Shivamogga and Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely, Executive Director, Caritas India, Fr. Richard Pais, Director, KROSS, Bengaluru and Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto, Director, Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society (SMSSS).

In his homily, Bishop Francis expressed that in social work most of the time we address only the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause. He insisted to understand the depth of the root cause and not the disease. He said that there is a need to protect nature, without nature no human being. He called to keep the poor near as much as possible as Jesus Christ did.

Bishop Francis in his presidential address, appreciated the service rendered by Caritas India for the last 60 years, He said, Caritas India has served the poorest of the poor and it is for them. Caritas India has not earned anything for her sake but has given to the most marginalized communities in society. He stressed that the work done during different flood situations and during covid crisis is commendable.

After receiving the honour from the region, Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely expressed his gratitude and said, If Caritas India reached the neediest and the marginalized, then the complete credit goes to her collaborators who are working very closely and with great love. He expressed his sentiments of gratitude to all the Bishops and the Diocesan Social Service Societies of Karnataka.

Dr. Dhananjaya Sarji, Chairman of Sarji Hospitals, Shivamogga encouraged the participants to engage more in the service of others, which gives utmost satisfaction. He appreciated Caritas India for her great work at the pan-India level with great love. As a token of appreciation and support, he donated Rs. 10,000/- to Caritas India for her cancer campaign. He also informed that Sarji Hospital gives free health cards to cancer patients which have several benefits.

Another guest, Mr. K. T. Gangadhar, Leader of the State Farmers Association, said that Mother Theresa is our role model for social work. Her simplicity and full involvement in the service should be followed by each and everyone in the country. As rightly Caritas India is focusing on the welfare of the farmers, it is the need of the hour to support and work for the marginalized farmers.

For showing good partnership spirit and collaborating actively in all the works of Caritas India, Fr. Dr. Paul Moonjely appreciated all the Directors of DSSS for giving a shawl.

In memory of the Caritas India diamond jubilee celebration, two mango saplings were planted in the campus of the Pastoral Centre. On this occasion, 60 each seeds ball packets were distributed to all collaborators of Caritas India. An exhibition on indigenous seeds, and community carbon collectives was displayed.

Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto, Director, Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society (SMSSS) hosted the program with the coordination of Mr. Robert D Souza, State Program Associate, Caritas India.