Child-Friendly Police Station opens in Sarupathar, Assam

Sarupathar Police Station is now upgraded with a new child-friendly corner. The police station has effectively implemented the recommendation of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and established a child-friendly corner.

The Child-Friendly Police Station has been developed as Rights based approach to guarantee Children’s right to Survival, development, Protection and Participation especially protection in situations of crisis and difficulty.

It is one of the chief results of the Caritas India Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) programme running in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The inspiration behind the move cropped up from the learning exposure of the team to Bal Suraksha Abhiyan, Kalimpong, West Bengal.

Seva Kendra Dibrugarh, one of the Anti-Human Trafficking programme partners in Assam, inaugurated the child-friendly police station on 4th January 2023. This Child-Friendly corner is first among the AHT NE partners of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Caritas India and the entire AHT NE team congratulate Seva Kendra Dibrugarh AHT Team for this momentous achievement.

Mr. Jitumoni Deka, Officer-in-charge of the Sarupathar Police Station along with Mr. Jonas Lakra and Fr. Batholomeow Bhengra cut the ribbon of the Child-Friendly Corner and declared it open saying, “we at Sarupathar block envision the creation of a child-friendly society through active participation of children and collaborative engagement with the government and civil society.

“Child–friendly police stations play a crucial role in encouraging reporting of crime and reinforcing access to justice to children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with the law as per sec. 8 (2) (v) of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules 2016,” said Mr. Jitumoni Deka during the inauguration.

Mr. Jonas Lakra, Northeast Zonal Lead of Caritas India informed that we have furnished the Child–friendly Corner in Sarupathar Police Station as per the guidelines of the National Commission for Protection of Children.” He also added that a friendly environment will create a special bond between children who need to visit the police station, either as children in need of care and protection or in conflict with the law.

The Child-Friendly Police Station will equip the police personnel with appropriate knowledge to effectively exercise their duty, ensure better protection of Child Rights and prevent the abuse of minors. It will create an amicable environment for children to express their problems openly to the concerned officers as often they have nobody else, especially in cases of child sexual abuse by persons the child trust most.

The inauguration news was covered by local media in the Golaghat public press. It was a great sense of satisfaction and the spirit to continue for the welfare of the people.