CIDAL developing a thematic curriculum for development practitioners

As the developmental landscape is continually changing, it is critical for professional social workers and practitioners to strive for the most current knowledge and insights in their respective areas. Like any other profession, social work has become a dynamic field with ever-changing socio-economic, cultural, and political factors.

Caritas Institute of Development Action and Learning (CIDAL) was evolved to fulfil the gap of learning and exchange of knowledge based on the needs of the partners in the context of COVID to address and minimize some of the challenge of partnership management. Recently, Caritas India organised a planning meeting at New Delhi on 27th September 2023 to develop a thematic curriculum for the development practitioner under CIDAL.

The proposed curriculum, set to be created under the expert guidance of CIDAL, aims to equip development practitioners with the latest tools and insights across four key thematic areas:

  • Institutional Development and Organizational Strengthening: An exploration of strategies to enhance the resilience and efficiency of development organizations.
  • Project Design and Management: A comprehensive look at project planning, execution, and management, ensuring a holistic understanding of the project lifecycle.
  • Humanitarian Aid and Localization: Addressing the crucial aspects of providing aid, especially in disaster-prone regions, while emphasizing the importance of local involvement and empowerment.
  • Integral Ecology and Climate Justice: A critical examination of environmental issues and climate change, along with strategies for promoting justice and sustainability.

This one day planning meeting was facilitated by Mr. Kushal Neogy from Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The meeting was also attended by the Caritas Austria representative Mr. Sunil Simon along with the thematic experts of Caritas India.

Fr. (Dr.) Paul Moonjely, Executive Director of Caritas India, shared the rationale behind this ambitious initiative. He emphasized the growing demand for training programs in areas such as institutional development, organizational development, disaster management, and climate resilience. The objective is to develop comprehensive resource materials and course curricula that serve as references for development practitioners. Fr. Paul noted that the curriculum aims to equip individuals with analytical skills to navigate complex societal forces effectively. He asked the team to develop the curriculum by the end of January 2024.

Fr. (Dr.) Jolly Puthenpura, Assistant Executive Director of Caritas India also contributed to the discussions, focusing on the framework for institutional development. The development of the handbook/curriculum seeks to provide trainers with a structured plan for teaching specific knowledge, skills, and competencies. It serves as a roadmap for trainings and courses, promoting efficiency and effectiveness.

CIDAL is set to play a multifaceted role in the development sector, with key objectives that include:

  • Developing comprehensive handbooks, course curricula, and resource manuals.
  • Enhancing internal capacities in perspective building and strategic planning.
  • Improving knowledge and skills across various thematic areas.
  • Prioritizing and supporting partners in various operational modes.
  • Providing technical expertise in critical thematic areas.
  • Offering capacity enhancement opportunities for organizational development, systems, programs, and policy.

The process of curriculum development will be coordinated by Ms. Babita Pinto, Head of Programs at Caritas India. A draft curriculum is expected to be completed by November 30, 2023, with the final draft ready by the end of December for design and printing.

CIDAL’s approach transcends traditional learning; it positions itself as a facilitator, co-learner, and capacity builder. The institute aims to collate, refine, and disseminate knowledge and learnings to remain relevant and connected with stakeholders. It aspires to empower communities and increase their resilience in an ever-changing world.

Caritas India, as part of the church’s collective response, aligns with the strategy of Caritas Internationalis: “Be Informed, Be Trained, Be Cautioned, Be Connected, and Be Compassionate.” This strategy involves transparent communication to inform people about changes, reasons for these changes, and how these plans will benefit them. Collaborative efforts are essential to accelerate support, and the creation of a repository of the church’s efforts nationwide in the context of the “New Normal” is on the horizon.

Through CIDAL, Caritas India embarks on a journey to provide much-needed support, accompaniment, and handholding to partner organizations. The focus is on identifying operational challenges in the New Normal, exploring innovative approaches, and supporting partner organizations in diverse operational modes. CIDAL’s approach involves needs assessment, setting clear goals and objectives, content development, and pragmatic, context-specific handbooks that draw from real-world experiences.

As CIDAL takes shape, it promises to be a beacon of knowledge, resilience, and empowerment for development practitioners, strengthening their capacity to drive meaningful change in the ever-evolving landscape of development.