Clean Water, Healthier Lives: A Transformation in Palwar Village

Nimba Bai Jamre and her family from Palwar village in Madhya Pradesh battled from recurring illnesses caused by unfiltered, unsafe drinking water. Their years of struggle was not just a personal plight; it was a widespread issue affecting countless families in the region.

Nimba Bai’s family spent between 1,000 to 2,000 rupees every month on medical treatments for ailments like coughs, colds, and waterborne diseases. The constant worry about their health weighed heavily on her shoulders. “I was always worried about them getting sick from drinking water,” she recalls. But everything changed in 2021-22 when Caritas India along with Khandwa Diocesan Social Services (KDSS) intervened with their Water-Disinfection Initiative (WCI).

The introduction of the WADI (Water-Disinfection) machine and 14 PET bottles marked a turning point. KDSS staff not only provided these tools but also educated Nimba Bai and her community on the importance of health and hygiene. They taught her how to harness the sun’s power to disinfect water naturally, transforming her family’s access to safe drinking water. This knowledge empowered her to take control of her family’s health, and she embraced the daily use of the WADI device.

The results were nothing short of miraculous. “After we started using the WADI device, the number of times my children fell sick dropped drastically,” Nimba Bai said, her relief palpable. The frequency of illnesses in her household plummeted, and visits to the local clinic, which once occurred every 2 to 3 months, became a rarity.

The impact of this initiative extended beyond Nimba Bai’s family. They saved between 4,000 to 8,000 rupees annually on medical expenses, funds that could now be redirected towards food and education. Healthier children meant fewer missed days at school, and the adults in the family became more productive in their daily activities. “It has made a huge difference in our lives,” Nimba Bai emphasized.

Community members have also noticed the transformation. “Since using the WADI machine, her children have been healthier, and the family has saved money for other essential needs,” one neighbor shared. The positive effects of the WCI project have reached over 220 families in Palwar, leading to a collective decrease in waterborne diseases and a shift towards healthier living.

As Nimba Bai reflects on her journey, she feels a deep sense of gratitude for the support from KDSS. Her commitment to spreading this newfound knowledge is unwavering. “I want every household in the village to know how to purify their water,” she asserts.

The WADI project has not only improved the health of Nimba Bai’s family but has also created a ripple effect throughout the community. By understanding the importance of drinking pure water and maintaining good hygiene, Palwar village is embracing a future of health and vitality. Clean water has not just transformed lives; it has ignited hope and resilience in a community that is now thriving.