Communities Take the Reins of Samvaad Program

In a significant step towards fostering sustainable peace and development, Caritas India, in collaboration with the diocesan social work service Suchetna, has successfully transitioned the Samvaad Peace Program to its dedicated local stakeholders. This handover marks the culmination of three years of collaborative efforts aimed at promoting peace initiatives in the community.

As the Samvaad program reached its official conclusion, Caritas India and Suchetna organized a series of meetings with stakeholders to facilitate the transfer of ownership. The goal was clear: to ensure that the vital peace and development initiatives established during the program continue to thrive under local stewardship.

During a recent meeting, the Caritas India representative provided an insightful orientation on the newly formed Peace and Development Forum. This forum aims to serve as a guiding light for community development and peace promotion, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and mutual respect among its members. The representative outlined the forum’s objectives, roles, and responsibilities, fostering a sense of unity and commitment among the participants.

To enhance the forum’s effectiveness, guidelines were established, encouraging regular meetings and active engagement with local development initiatives. A nominal membership fee was proposed to help manage the forum’s funds, which will be overseen by an elected President and Secretary. This structure is designed to empower stakeholders, giving them a voice in the decision-making process and ensuring accountability.

Fr. Derrick Pinto, the Director of Caritas India, addressed the participants with a motivating message, urging them to embrace early membership in the forum. He highlighted the importance of collaborative action in sustaining the achievements of the Samvaad program, reassuring stakeholders of Suchetna’s ongoing support.

As the meeting progressed, enthusiasm filled the room, with over ten participants stepping forward to join the Peace and Development Forum. Their eagerness to contribute to the legacy of the Samvaad program reflects a shared commitment to societal development and the promotion of peace and harmony within their community.

This transition is not merely a handover; it symbolizes hope and resilience. The collaborative efforts between Caritas India, Suchetna, and local stakeholders demonstrate the power of unity in addressing the challenges faced by communities in pursuit of peace. The story of the Samvaad program and its local champions is a testament to the belief that sustainable change is possible when communities come together with a shared vision.

As the Peace and Development Forum begins its journey, it stands as a beacon of hope for the community, fostering an environment where dialogue, cooperation, and understanding can flourish. With the commitment of its members, the forum is poised to carry forward the principles of the Samvaad program, ensuring that the seeds of peace planted over the past three years continue to grow and bear fruit for generations to come.